Violet Crumbles

My mom! You know her better as "Lobsters 1"

He lost some weight! I know this because I saw a clip of him on the Joy Behar show, which airs on the HLN channel at 9 PM CST!! Let me open a vein with a pried-apart keyring right now!!!

I think he seems like an alright, funny guy, but it is pretty weird to watch any of his movies in the 21st century. They all come off like feature-length cable access productions scripted by one of the five smartest guys in line for Dragon Age 2 outside the Gamestop in West Allis, Wisconsin. I dare you to watch his

sounds artistically worthy and totally dangerous
the American pop-culture mainstream is so disgusting once you're not a part of it!

Breakfast at Tiffany's by Deep Blue Something
Jesus Christ I was ten years old when this came out, way past the Catholic age of reason. I could swear that I remember hearing this on the lite-rock station in the car on the way home from the afterschool center in first grade, but assuming that Wikipedia is correct I

do a google image search on Walter Parkes
that is "your mom's new fiance who wants to have a conversation about the Arcade Fire with you" hair if I'm being generous

If I recall my wasted childhood correctly, chronologically speaking the Amanda Bynes show should appear at the tail end of that list (maybe stick Alex Mack in its place)

I wonder
if the Germans have a word for the feeling that overtakes you when you find yourself relating to a Serious Emotional Scene in a shitty episode of Glee

Yeah the Vaughn Meader one sounds like it could be either absolutely shitkicking or one of those things where a screenwriter insists on directing and eventually it turns up in the Redbox at 7-11

Lizzy Caplan!! awesome

Dude is one belted cardigan sweater away from Mr. Jellineck

Beady Eye music, mate.
I have a minor sinus infection right now and my AV Club Make-A-Wish Foundation wish is for this to become a meme

Posting in appreciation of the lead photo
1993, man

Were those real pies??

I don't want to see any beautiful faces ruined but if the powers that be wanted to cover Harvey Weinstein and Scott Rudin in grease and have them fight it out for the big prize every year I wouldn't be opposed

All they need to do is cast Camryn Manheim as outrageous fat bitch Etta Candy and this show will have reached Peak David E. Kelley before it even films an episode

Important poll thread
Does your dad know who Tim and Eric are?

Out of all the Nick at Nite sitcoms I watched when I was a little kid sleeping over at my grandma's house, this is the only one I really still enjoy as an adult

James Franco pretty obviously has to work very hard at what comes naturally to Charlie Sheen, and by "naturally" I mean "with the aid of a gigantic salt pile of top-5-scripted-network-program-grade cocaine"

You've misread me, I agree that it's totally exquisite.