Witch Doctor

SACD really??? Why not 8-track? Talk about a failed format. I have a few SACD and the sound quality is excellent. But, then again, picture quality on Beta was superior to VHS.

Why you always bringing up old shit?

It was basically, the plot to' Nueve Reinas' (Nine Queens) with a dash of 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' thrown in there*

@intangible fancy - Was that last comment directed at me?

Added Bonus: at 800x600 resolution, the text from the posts are unreadable.

I willing to be sad but, sober? Never!

I was in a grift-mance once. Not surprisingly, it ended badly.

Good to see that some things never change.

Wait, what is going on with MS Office? Dammit, I just finally bit the bullet and upgraded to MS Office 2010. Don't tell me MS came out with a new edition. Screw Micro$oft!

I'm guessing this will be
…initially rated R. I'll wait for Harvey to release the PG-13 version.

I just don't get why he has to be naked in the promo. Why can't he just be wearing a Nascar suit with a bunch of damn adverts on it?

Tiny Hugh Jackman?
yea, I could go for less Hugh Jackman

OK. Carry on, then.

"Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please."

'Red Dead Tweakers'?

I wish…
AMC would merge 'Breaking Bad', 'The Walking Dead' and this new series. I just can't imagine a show about zombies making meth in the Old West being anything but awesome! They could even hire the ad agency from 'Mad Men' to advertise their goods.

…or geography of our own country.

@Canadian Unsure About US Geography

My avatar is a self portrait…for crying out loud, I wear a dress that the real Charlie Sheen would not be caught dead in plus, I'm pretty sure I'm black.

I'm not Charlie Sheen so I qualify.