Ephram Brown

Yeah that mention of an "upcoming Veronica Mars movie" sent a jolt through my personal area as well. It's not a done deal, but it looks much more likely now. Awesome! Kristen Bell hasn't really blown me away in anything else she's done, but I try to see just about everything she does, just because she was so fantastic

Gossip Girl gets a spinoff…
and Veronica Mars gets cancelled. No justice.

Absolutely bertolt. Lost is a great, intricately written and well-plotted show, just like BSG. But what separates BSG is the acting and the depth of its characters- Lost, not so much.

It already is.

Oh God, not another one of those inane 'its ridiculous to believe that its stupid to complain about not obeying the laws of physics because its a superhero show and nothing is realistic because they at least need to still obey the show's own internal logic' arguments again!

Oh yeah - and bring back that guy who used sound waves to break stuff. Maybe make him ride a motorcycle or something.

Paying attention, NBC?

The real tragedy of this show is that it has trapped Kristen Bell in its downwardly spiraling vortex.

… that last line was a fail. I accept that.

I'm not sure what I took out of context- I apologize if I did. Anyway, your safety concerns do make sense. I live here in America also, and I don't have the viewpoint that someone knocking on my door probably means they're trying to break in. Especially not during the daytime. I don't think the majority of people feel

@ MacBeth - its certainly your right to not want people coming to your door- but if you don't like that, you wouldn't have liked the biblical Christians either. Which is fine, its up to you.

Not that you care, MacBeth, but Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in Hell. The don't believe the bible talks about a literal place of fiery eternal torment.
Also, they come to your door because Jesus did the same thing, and told his followers to, so they believe they are following his direction. They don't force anyone

KB is the most potent combination of looks and chops around. And nothing tops that first season of Veronica Mars for perfect television, save for every season of Battlestar Galactica so far. The only reason I even sort of still watch Heroes is her. I do think she made one bad career choice though- by picking

Should have picked the Charlotte role on Lost instead of this drivel.

Name that song!
Hey does anybody know the name of that great song that was playing during the nice little Chuck and Sarah scene on the balcony? I know I've heard it before…

Stuff like Hulu is the future. If they could figure out a way for internet tv to make good money, we'd be set- a lot of the most popular shows on there are the higher-quality but lower-rated-by-Neilson-standards shows.

Thank you for recognizing my genius.

Best since season 3.

Thanks for the input eggs- your take on the album is similar to Pitchfork's in their review, which is an interesting read. Teenage sexuality/Anne Frank seem to be the intertwining themes. Just superficially I would say the intense male vocals/musical sensibility is what sparks the comparison, although I don't know if

OK, so I've listened to the album straight through once. First impressions: