Ephram Brown

I will finally listen to the Aeroplane album (through the magic of Rhapsody, instantly and free) after many instances of hearing this band's name on this site and never hearing any of their music. So there you go.

I can go with that if you narrow down the criteria to "hour-long broadcast network shows that are currently airing new episodes". Outside of that, Lost and Battlestar come back in a few months, so…

Steve I think as her dad moved around and changed identities, hers changed with his. Although it would be interesting if there was more going on, I just don't think its possible for her to be any older than 28. I mean, come on, the Body!!

I thought this was the best episode of the series yet-funny, interesting, well-acted, some mystery. The show has definitely come a long way to the point where I actually care about these characters and their relationships.
Strahovski was especially good in this one.

I wish they would give her something interesting to do. She was fantastic in Everwood.

Now bear with me here- these two are the funniest characters on the show, and they play off each other really well- I think they've been slipping some hints about the nature of their relationship. Allow me to present my case:

I mean Kaitlin. Carry on.

That was not good at all. In my grading system the lowest any episode before this one would be a B, but that was a D at best. Carrying an entire episode on the premise of poop being funny is Epic Movie-level desperation.
The only redeeming thing was Kristin banging head-first into the car. I guess when you

"Do you think if that happened in real life people would have laughed?"
Seriously, Rabin?

Man I wish I could have gotten to this earlier. Everwood was the worst cancellation decision ever, especially since it was axed in favor of (gag) 7th Heaven. Everwood was the best acted, best written, most affecting family drama ever.

This gal wrote some of Everwood's best episodes- and was executive producer for its last two (and best) seasons. So she does have a lot of talent.

Absolutely true- that's one of the most beautiful mysteries of music. Taking misery and transforming it to joy.

Yeah, they definitely have a paranoia/anger vibe going, although not uniformly so. "Map of the Problematique" rocks my socks off, and "Supermassive Black Hole" is a great dance rock track. I wouldn't call any of their music depressing either.

My music collection is also inordinately made up of sad-sack gems, but I think it's just a reflection of the fact that there's much more quality depressing stuff out there than the opposite, because its easier to do. Really good happy music is exceedingly difficult to make without coming off as cheesy or

I agree about the response, and the irony is that Carter has said he wanted to explore the larger mythology if this movie was successful and they could make more. Oh well.

the rebuttal
Just saw it- I really could not disagree with all of you more about this movie. I think the problem is it doesn't meet any of the expecations you have for it, but it IS successful and compelling in completely different ways.
First of all- humorless? Really? It's full of inside humor and wry meta-jokes, in

Now THAT'S good interview!

You're dead, dude. Just accept that and move on.

The real tragedy is it was getting better and better, and was cancelled in favor of the bloated grotesque zombie of a show that was Seventh Heaven.

Man I'm usually with you but you're killing me with this one. Go rent some XF dvd's and then get back to us.
And I'm prepared for whatever mother-and-or -balls/nuts retort you have prepared.