Ephram Brown

Yeah. I mean, HIS DAUGHTER??? Really??? Mulder's sister being abducted is practically the cornerstone of the series. Do some cursory research at least. Geez.

haha AWESOME!! Man, if every one of my posts becomes an Everwood thread, I will be supremely satisfied.

why not zack handlen
Why the heck did Zack not do this interview? He's the resident X-Files expert, would obviously be psyched to do it, and it would make for a great interview. What gives?

Don't let them bring you down Dragon. Preach on, Brother!

Wow somebody finally recognized the name!! I love you, person. God, Everwood was just so good. I'm in the midst of burning seasons 2-4 onto dvd because, criminally, IMO one of the best tv shows ever is NOT EVEN ON DVD. Second only to X-Files in my tv fandom heart.

She should have won an oscar for that piece. Unbelievable performance.

And that's the main problem for me. The entire movie was not comic-booky in any sense of the word, it was meant to be dark and emotionally realistic - which it is, until that stupid monologue, which completely took me out of the movie and reminded me, hey, this is all taking place in a comic book fairy land. It's like

closing monologue
Midnight showing- yeah the entire city of new orleans was sold out on about 20 screens, so work those numbers.

Touching Evil- that show was fantastic. Donovan's character was pretty much a darker version of this one. The drama on that show was extremely intense at times, and it was pretty psychologically complex. I still remember the final scene, where Vera and Jeffrey's characters were walking together, and I thought they

Hm I saw that one, and no x-files trailer.

Especially since theres a movie coming out in THREE WEEKS, which is crazy since I haven't seen any advertisements for it on tv or in theaters. If somebody sees a movie with an XF trailer, please share!

What's up with this thread?
The XF thread sure hasn't been getting much love commentwise. Surprising, I thought it would be hugely popular.

sounds pretty awesome to me

Mythology vs. MOTW
Just about everyone now says that they enjoy the standalones now more than the mythology. Well, of course- you know now how the mythology turned out - the whole purpose was to keep you intrigued and watching to see how it gets resolved. I don't think you can retroactively look back and say the

Heller - add manifold:time to your list
Just because this is a sci-fi column and i will probably never get a chance to mention this, Manifold:Time by Stephen Baxter is probably my favorite hard sci-fi ever - talk about profound scope and exhilarating ideas. The other two books in the series aren't nearly as good and

Well it was a couple of years ago, and I remember always trying to read it when I was tired, so I would doze off - my memory is very hazy. It's still sitting on my bookshelf so I'll definitely give it another go.

I read this book, but could not make heads or tails of what the heck was going on, and therefore found it unsatisfying. Am I stupid?

Yeah, premature clickulation. Anyway, I'm loving this! Add me to the chorus of "I was raised on this show". In fact I just ordered the entire series box set from ebay, for which I only paid 160 bucks - the greatest dvd deal in the history of dvds.


Hey Hyden!
You forgot My Brightest Diamond. Way better than any of this other stuff. Hm, its on Rhapsody, but the release date says June 17, so i'll give you a pass on that one.