Ephram Brown

Indeed. Paper Bag, I'll Know… I forgot how good that album was. It's like a smoke-filled piano bar with a really sexy and slightly crazy musician.

Haha. You know, I thought about putting "and I'm not gay" but I didn't know if it was needed. I'm not gay, promise.

Guys liking female musicians
Thanks for this great piece. You've really been pointing out some of the more interesting and unexamined nuances of musical experience. I'm a guy in my early 20's, and while I like all kinds of "masculine" rock and such, I've always had a special love for female singer/songwriters like

belongs on Doctor Who, not this ridiculous thing. Even if she does show more skin.

Yeah I have to say if they aren't sisters it sure is weird that they look exactly alike and have the same voice.

Geata's infernal singing has to mean something. I mean it was so shoehorned in, and they ended the freaking episode with it, it has to be some kind of clue. But I can't make heads or tails out of the actual lyrics he was singing.

I'm late so no one's going to validate my thoughts!! :-_(

Mmm, agree to disagree.

In fairness, this show does look like derivative trash.

Wow. Great job. Smugly pointing out a common pattern on the a.v. club boards, as if that makes you somehow above it, when in fact you are posting there and even replying to your own effing posts like a desperate castaway who's only form of companionship is his split personality/coping mechanism. I feel sorry for you.

Excellent. The one thing this thread was missing was a terse, dismissive, superior one-liner which wraps things up and hopefully gets a laugh, while simultaneously highlighting the stupidity of the original poster. That will do nicely.

What a d-bag. God, don't you have anything better to do than take your frustrations out on some random internet writer? Do you even realize how pathetic that makes you that you even care? If you don't like it, don't read it. It's that simple. Anyway how do YOU know she doesn't watch the show? And who replies to their

This post is just ridiculous. First of all its not even correct, as has been noted multiple times above, to say that Abrams has anything to do with "Lost" anymore.
Beyond that, "Frustrating, ultimately unsatisfactory mysteries?" It's almost like you're just regurgitating whatever idiotic

Yes, it is. Try not to make too much of a mess.

I thought that was the best line tonight.

This Movie
Is definitely going to be awesome. Come on, CC has been working on this thing for years, and theres no way GA and DD would sign up if it wasn't good. Its gonna rock, its gonna make a lot of money, and they're gonna do a third one.

Great Ending
The ending was actually pretty fantastic. Emerson managed to convey a weasely, throughly pleased with himself, congenial yet menacing attitude with nothing more than "See you guys at dinner!" It struck a nice balance between funny and spooky, and was a change from what we've started to expect this season,