Goodcop Buttercup

I try to avoid the constant (and constantly irritating) unnecesary vitriol on the internet, but you know what? You're a fucking idiot, Yummsh. My post was pretty clear: I saw SK describing his own novel in a television interview and concluded that it sounded terrible. That's not the same as what you accused me of. And

Late period King
This sounds like it may be the worst novel King has written in his post-80s decline. I saw him on Good Morning America or something describing it, and it just sounds beyond ridiculous. Just go ahead and write that novel about the lamp monster, Steve.

This is what I wanted to post. Yeah. AoD begins where ED 2 leaves off. The S-Mart openning is a memory from *before* he *encountered* evil, not *after* he *defeated* it. Before his trip to the woods. It doesn't really matter, but this kind of grating sticklerism is what I live for.

I don't remember Sandra Dee OR Sally Field being so filled with rage…

You mean coitus?

Your day was 2007?

Back right the fuck off Trebek, pal.

I sure hope Kevin James is playing the dead guy.

That's new?

It'd be better
if he made it a marathon come-one-come-all fight a la Uwe Boll. That I would watch. That I would Tivo.

I suppose it all depends on your definition of "villa."

I want too no two.

Holy shit, she's a ginger.

Both empires were founded by an evil genius man-child.

"People want to watch a show with a bunch of obvious jokes and them thar funny puppets"

Dunham isn't "starting out." Buttercup's panties remain wadded.

Dr. Acula, let's stick to criticizing Aniston for the BAD things she does.

Of course Oprah will make an appearance. Aniston might want her OWN talk show, but we all really know who OWNs it.

With Jennifer Aniston!

Not that I don't also chafe at the COS's methods and cult-like practices, but can't at least one prominent, ostensibly intelligent person publicly resign from Scientology citing simply that it's a nutjob religion filled with laughable bullshit?