Like a chocoholic but for booz

She's very convincing as a burlap sack of potatoes, though.

Why does this comment not have all the likes?

Are you saying that Human Centipede was a DOCUMENTARY?!?!

That's why you should stop hanging out with middle schoolers, WWW.

Arrrrgghh, post a "METASPOILER WARNING" next time, asshole! You totally ruined the lack of spoilers for me!

During the award speech, I would start a slow clap.

@avclub-efb3d8be0319721ef751da0b05d9f6a5:disqus : Hmmm, I wonder if that's what we'll be saying about Walmart in a few years. First, they put the mom-and-pops out of business, and then… Amazon crushes them? I can only hope. Bezos >>>>>> Waltons

Oh man, I hope he guest-reviews "Movie 43".

Yeah, as shitty as that dude is, it takes a village to … uh… look up a child's skirt…
My point is, a whole bunch of very-nearly-as-sleazy dudes got off (and got off) without so much as a slap on the wrist, by virtue of being just a little less stupid about linking their offline and online persona. But mob vengeance

So it's totally cool that my literary oeuvre consists almost exclusively of comments about spanking it to O'Neal's Newswire posts? Superb!
*Grabs a sock and some lotion*

Wow. It's like Timecube had drunken, unprotected sex with a color wheel and sired the physical manifestation of pure lunacy as its offspring:
This is going to be one of my greatest challenges yet. *Grabs vaseline, unzips pants*

Wow. It's like Timecube had drunken, unprotected sex with a color wheel and sired the physical manifestation of pure lunacy as its offspring:
This is going to be one of my greatest challenges yet. *Grabs vaseline, unzips pants*

like stuttering.

like stuttering.

That's what you get for electing a fascist, secret Muslim, Kenyan, communist, radical secular humanist, … something … something….

Still evil.

I think Betteridge's Law still sort of applies to this headline.

There can be only one, @avclub-68b739692fa849e6572ee31610a75750:disqus.

@Crooked_Paul:disqus I always get shibboleths confused with shoggoths. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of shoggoths lurking in the dank recesses of the Fox Studio; how else could you explain all the irrational horror they broadcast?

I wish Tyler Perry and Larry would just fuck already, because the sexual tension between them is getting ridiculous.