Like a chocoholic but for booz

Couldn't that someone have been Jeff Foxworthy, instead?

Couldn't that someone have been Jeff Foxworthy, instead?

Texas is where Lux stopped reading it.

Texas is where Lux stopped reading it.



Hitler thought wearing Charlie Chaplin's mustache around would be funny; what the hell does he know?

Hitler thought wearing Charlie Chaplin's mustache around would be funny; what the hell does he know?

Zack, I left a link for you elsewhere in this nightmarish comment hellscape! It's some of Orson Scott Card's very recent writings that you'll *really* enjoy! Scroll back a couple pages and "find" "Orson Scott Card"!

Zack, I left a link for you elsewhere in this nightmarish comment hellscape! It's some of Orson Scott Card's very recent writings that you'll *really* enjoy! Scroll back a couple pages and "find" "Orson Scott Card"!

I don't wanna sift through 10 more pages of comments, so I'll stick this here:

I don't wanna sift through 10 more pages of comments, so I'll stick this here:

For the first time, a comment on one of O'Neal's Newswire posts made me laugh harder than the original article. Mark this one in the history books.

For the first time, a comment on one of O'Neal's Newswire posts made me laugh harder than the original article. Mark this one in the history books.

Oh, game shows are OK, as long as they serve some purpose besides providing a venue to showcase overblown idiotic faux drama. But they I wish they were called "game shows" again, not reality TV.

Oh, game shows are OK, as long as they serve some purpose besides providing a venue to showcase overblown idiotic faux drama. But they I wish they were called "game shows" again, not reality TV.

Reality shows are one of the main factors killing my sense of irony. I hate them, because it's not fun to watch something that's supposed to be "entertaining" largely for the fact that the "entertainers" starring in it are terrible, untalented hacks, which means they succeeded at making the show ""entertaining"" and

Reality shows are one of the main factors killing my sense of irony. I hate them, because it's not fun to watch something that's supposed to be "entertaining" largely for the fact that the "entertainers" starring in it are terrible, untalented hacks, which means they succeeded at making the show ""entertaining"" and

I don't mind it either. 'You're Getting Old' was indeed brilliant, and 'Insecurity' was worth watching for the Bane voices alone. But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes, the show is terrible. This was one of those times. They've done political satire, Cartman has an insane plan, product X is obsolete, etc.

I don't mind it either. 'You're Getting Old' was indeed brilliant, and 'Insecurity' was worth watching for the Bane voices alone. But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes, the show is terrible. This was one of those times. They've done political satire, Cartman has an insane plan, product X is obsolete, etc.