Like a chocoholic but for booz

They beat a lot of dead horses this episode, but didn't beat any particular one long enough for it to circle back around to funny.

They beat a lot of dead horses this episode, but didn't beat any particular one long enough for it to circle back around to funny.

C- tops. Despite how off-the-wall it was, it felt totally unsurprising. I wonder how old Marcus Gilmer is (25, 26?), because if you watched South Park in its heyday, this was a really disappointing episode.

C- tops. Despite how off-the-wall it was, it felt totally unsurprising. I wonder how old Marcus Gilmer is (25, 26?), because if you watched South Park in its heyday, this was a really disappointing episode.

If I kinda hate T&EASGJ, will I also kinda hate this?

If I kinda hate T&EASGJ, will I also kinda hate this?

Clay Aiken seems like a real weird fit for the Republican party, given his out-ness and charity work, but maybe he has some real neo-con hawkishness and anti-immigrant sentiments he keeps hidden from the public.

Clay Aiken seems like a real weird fit for the Republican party, given his out-ness and charity work, but maybe he has some real neo-con hawkishness and anti-immigrant sentiments he keeps hidden from the public.

Not voting supports the drug war. Voting for a third party with no shot in hell of winning supports the drug war. Whining on the internet and doing nothing else supports the drug war. Because all of these actions help, directly or indirectly, continuation of the current policy.

Not voting supports the drug war. Voting for a third party with no shot in hell of winning supports the drug war. Whining on the internet and doing nothing else supports the drug war. Because all of these actions help, directly or indirectly, continuation of the current policy.

I told a joke about fellatio to a room full of professors from my university's honors program as a freshman. Sometimes, audacity works.

I told a joke about fellatio to a room full of professors from my university's honors program as a freshman. Sometimes, audacity works.

Hey, if you're going to die anyway, might as well take a room full of douchenozzles with you, right? Right?

Hey, if you're going to die anyway, might as well take a room full of douchenozzles with you, right? Right?

May I suggest Topher Grace?

May I suggest Topher Grace?

@avclub-a30886189696ec2f02253bd337deef8b:disqus : Because the first step in making a nuclear knickerbomber is to get them in a twist, you fool!

@avclub-a30886189696ec2f02253bd337deef8b:disqus : Because the first step in making a nuclear knickerbomber is to get them in a twist, you fool!

Peter Dinklage

Peter Dinklage