Like a chocoholic but for booz

I'd like to quote Optimus Prime (from the awesome '86 animated movie):

Today, she didn't even have to stay married to her AK
I got to say it was a good day.

Link? I want to have my childhood DPed — that is, have both Transformers and Ender's Game ruined for me

Why is nobody making fun of the idiotic name of this show? WHY?!?!

Certainly a close #11?

Nah, all celebrities are more like neutron star matter; it's just that some are from the crust, some are from the core, and he's from the dead center.

Chris Rock, woo!

I'm not sure how that answers my question, Todd.

Additionally, why does Frasier spell his real name wrong?

This has nothing to do with your firstie, but I am saddened this game doesn't have a CBA negotiation mode.


Just because it's your first time, doesn't mean you still can't get cancerAIDS!

The light should always be on, just like the Internet should always be streaming directly into my brain.

I feel so strongly about the following sentiment that I actually took the time to log in:

Sure, of course not, but there is a limit to how much a group of people can accomplish at once. And I listed several, but not nearly all, of the items our state government has chosen to focus on rather than growth in the green industry (or in any other economic sector for that matter).

Jim, perhaps we don't have more solar panels and green tech here because our state legislature is too busy hunting down possible ethnic studies courses in high schools, fighting legal battles to keep our unconstitutional and largely unnecessary immigration law on the books, slashing hundreds of millions from public

I hope IPBMs (interplanetary ballistic missiles, not I pee bowel movements) also factor into the plot.

I hate to have to be the one to correct the cookie monster, but…

Seeing an update of this column in the feed always gives me a sawbuck in my pants, if you know what I mean.

If acting doesn't pan out for him, at least Jon Hamm has his patented John Ham to fall back on. That shit is practical AND delicious.