Like a chocoholic but for booz

Back up for big ups: I'll click on every banner ad that appears in a SBG column. Seriously.

Not much of a Neo-Nazi movement out here, Tuck. Mostly Jews just come here to retire, not to take those sub-minimum wage jobs that we all covet, nor to hypothetically behead countless (total count: 0) innocent victims while smuggling drugs from Mexico, nor to drive imaginary violent crime rates up (real violent crime

"Pilate said, 'I have examined this man … and have found no first within him … therefore, I will chastise and release him.'"

More importantly, when is the next season of Frisky Dingo coming? I know the production company that made it folded, but those guys gotta be rolling in some "Archer" cash monies, now.

By the way, the ending isn't worth the time it takes, and the sense of accomplishment is pretty much like solving a medium Sudoku. But I shouldn't knock a free game, especially such a polished one.

Guys, not to be a dick or anything, but the puzzles are really simple, when compared to, say, the old 5x5 tray of numbers with one removed that you have to get in order. There's no trickery required.

But Ape, Ender would've devised a brilliant tactical strategy which he would cleverly delegate various pieces of to his semi-autonomous child-admirals according to their respective strengths. This strategy would lead to heavy casualties inflicted upon the Empire's forces by Dr. Device, ultimately leading to a

I hope the cameo is Strong Mad. He'd fit in perfectly.

Plus, poop was only the focus of around 40% of the book, tops.

Pretty entertaining.
Hmm. Subject sums it up, more or less. It was a fine book to read on a flight.

Hey, what about the iPad?
I want to read *that* discussion. Will there be a deleted, uh, interview on the DVD release?

I live in Tucson and it is definitely not the gateway to dick.


@ Fuck me
I had spicy Indian food today, buddy. You're in for a real treat.

Actually, when used as part of an infinitive, "to" is considered a particle rather than a preposition.

Hi, I just listened to this podcast because I was bored
And I will never again put any credence into Scott Tobias' reviews. We need a ton of exposition to appreciate fully this masterpiece? The world isn't richly detailed because we don't know exactly how it got this way? Really?

I also like how the color orange becomes a character in the show, as does the theme song. Oooh, the timing of the commercial breaks also becomes a character!

Wow, there must be an epidemic of such crimes going around, because something quite similar has happened to me. Except I was pretty sure the guy didn't have a gun. Also, I actually knew the guy who stuck me up; it was my friend Jimmy. We did drive around for a while and smoked meth. But then instead of him stealing my

Mmm…. Edgar Winter's Bone.