Like a chocoholic but for booz

Thanks for the link, GTW! "Good Old Days" is by far my favorite Weird Al song, probably because I'm one deranged fucker.

Schroedinger's cat is about the superposition principle in quantum mechanics - i.e. "classically" distinct possibilities can be superimposed in a quantum state - but that superposition is removed and a single state remains when a (non-QND) measurement is made. So-called "Schroedinger cat states" are currently being

You see us coming
And you all together run for cover!

Superman can fly without any propulsion or means of producing lift. Although, when I was a kid, I liked to imagine his farts were like a jet turbine, and he was flying on a giant wave of SBD's.

It would be convenient to allow users to upload photos and somehow "mark" their friends in them so that you wouldn't have to bother asking people for hard copies of pictures all the time.

But TL not LT, he didn't *register* to do so! I guess your shallow, plebeian thought processes cannot even comprehend the vast gulf between us registration slaves and those who soar through the unencumbered, web 2.0-free, celestial realms of internet anonymity.

Different centipede species have widely varying numbers of legs.


The universe gets saved, so it gives Roland a chance to save himself. He probably won't, but maybe next time he'll get closer. A great ending to a mostly great series.

"right now there's no word on whether the hemorrhage is related to either the appendectomy or his diabetes"

It seems fairly obvious that was exactly the reaction they were going for. The ancient scrolls predict that when Muslim extremists shed the blood of American satirists of questionable talent, the gates of Hell will open and Satan's 1000 year reign over Earth shall begin!

Throw me in the "60 seconds of 'Machete' was better than 3 hours of the rest of this bullshit" camp.

I may not know how to train a dragon…
but I sure can drain a lizard!!

Mr. Damon, please remember that suicide isn't the answer. It is, however, the question.

Jon Hamm's real superpower is his John Ham.

He's no large area of water mostly surrounded by land which is named after a warrior angel of the Old Testament.

Pam Tebow got sick doing missionary work while she was pregnant (by the way, an excellent method of respecting an unborn fetus's life is to travel to third world countries and risk exposure to all kinds of nasty diseases and poor medical care while you are carrying it). She had a placental abruption, which, if the

No one mentioned Trogdor. What a shame.

I wonder where they'd put the staple in a stack of papers.

A spin 1/2 particle undergoes a sign change in its wavefunction after a 360 degree rotation. Since all stable matter is ultimately composed of fermions, it totally makes sense. Sorry they didn't have quantum mechanics in your day, Euclid.