
To be fair, Marshall is in maybe the one industry left where printed resumes are still the norm. The legal profession is incredibly slow to embrace technology.

I'd imagine because to get hardware that's up to the task of encoding and compressing video, you're basically going to end up with a single-purpose computer anyway. Since that's a pretty niche use, it's probably more commercially viable to sell a cable & software bundle than a purpose-built machine.

But then you fall prey to the contentious Oxford Comma/No Oxford Comma debate…

I felt like a big part of why they kept the super-natural super-mayhem to a minimum was to avoid the other side of the problem you're talking about.  If they'd kept the threats in line with The Avengers, the logical next question is "Why is only Tony dealing with this?" Keeping the threat small-ish, and

That's true, but Harvard's acceptance rate is artificially depressed because they get a ton of entirely unqualified applicants.  Lots of prospective law students send out the set of applications for schools they have a shot at, and then send one to Harvard or Yale on a lark, because the cost is fairly minimal, and

Is the barre really an indicator of lavish spending?  Especially given all the other stuff in the apartment (furniture and the like)?  Admittedly, a floor-to ceiling mirror is probably pretty pricey, but the barre itself is, as far as I can tell, a 2-in wooden dowel rod and around $15 worth of bracketing.  It may be

I don't know what the California (Paradise is in California, right?) adverse possession statute looks like, but at common law, the requirement isn't actual notice, but that the possession be Open and Notorious, so that a reasonable owner would be notified by brief investigation.

She's the one Harvey hired to protect Mike.  We're absolutely going to see her again.

I don't remember the season or anything, but the Thanksgiving episode (Romancing the Bird, I think) may be my favorite if only because it's the only one from which I've straight up lifted recipes that I regularly use (well, insofar as once a year is "regular").  Usually I just steal techniques or ideas and try to mess

I don't remember the season or anything, but the Thanksgiving episode (Romancing the Bird, I think) may be my favorite if only because it's the only one from which I've straight up lifted recipes that I regularly use (well, insofar as once a year is "regular").  Usually I just steal techniques or ideas and try to mess

Sam and Josh are both Attorneys, technically, though Sam is the only one who has practiced law.  Toby is never mentioned as being an attorney or having a law degree.

Sam and Josh are both Attorneys, technically, though Sam is the only one who has practiced law.  Toby is never mentioned as being an attorney or having a law degree.

The story that plays out in this ep is not dissimilar from when actors on comedy shows get asked about how much they ad-lib on set, or how funny they are on their show.  Sure, 99% of the time, the writers are happy to write their lines, make the actors look good, and get their names in the credits, but when a setup

The story that plays out in this ep is not dissimilar from when actors on comedy shows get asked about how much they ad-lib on set, or how funny they are on their show.  Sure, 99% of the time, the writers are happy to write their lines, make the actors look good, and get their names in the credits, but when a setup

It's worth pointing out that Sam and Toby spent all their time writing speeches because they were professional speechwriters.  Also, it was a show about politics, which is damn near 100% talk.  I'm not sure what you expected from a show about behind-the-scenes-business at the White House.

It's worth pointing out that Sam and Toby spent all their time writing speeches because they were professional speechwriters.  Also, it was a show about politics, which is damn near 100% talk.  I'm not sure what you expected from a show about behind-the-scenes-business at the White House.

@avclub-d7a083d7103aaf352f42145554f14cec:disqus I knew I'd seen that torture method somewhere, but couldn't for the life of me remember where. Kudos.

I liked the episode, but I have to wonder how long they can keep making Nick's life more and more absurd before they have to give the guy a win.  It seems like the other three roommates are at least making forward progress, but he's been backsliding pretty hard. (Though I guess it's only been 7-ish episodes since he

The trick to a scotch & soda is to remember that "soda" means club soda, and not a regional word for cola.  In my mind, the Dean is paralyzed between adding Coke or adding seltzer.

Dillahunt would be perfect for this show.