beautiful troll

Sigh. So "Looking," for portraying things gay people actually do in a rounded, well-supported light, is to blame for the fact that straight people think we're all druggies and whores.

I have to have Teddy singing "Wonder" by Natalie Merchant.

If you read back issues of the AV Club Glee reviews, you'll hear the reviewers refer to "alternate universe Glee," which we occasionally got tantalizing peeks of—basically Friday Night Lights with musical numbers. I miss that show.

God. Dammit.

I mean, sure, but I don't get why "no attractions on a TV show besides this one person" automatically throws her bisexuality into question.

Holy shit that girl was from Glee Project?!

That was a plot line once. So if anyone ever asked them to justify that all of Vocal Adrenaline looks 40 that's what they'd say.

She has been in relationships with both male and female characters throughout the show. Okay, Santana's the only female character she's been with. So?

He can't be postmodern if he's actually still all caught up in the bullshit masculinity crisis so many gay dudes manufacture for themselves. His first introduction could have almost been interesting if they'd stuck with it? Like, a gay guy who doesn't feel any obligations to any group, and who plays football because

Ryder and Unique were. I don't remember the other ones well enough to say. I remember Hippie Jesus, Irish Kid, and Rachel From Another School back in season 3 also were.

Okay, lady, the kids are off your lawn with their emotions and their attachments to things you don't like. You can stop yelling at the clouds now.

It's not a diner. It's a burger restaurant. I've never gone to a burger restaurant and expected chamomile.

There's this weird level of Glee being super meta that somehow becomes hilarious to me. I am 99% certain that this season is actually just meant as a middle finger to the rabid fanbase that screams portmanteaus of character names as if we're supposed to be invested in them. I mean, really, they've made the most

Stoppppppp ittttt

That doesn't have anything to do with it! Despite the fact that both they and their characters were in a relationship, Cory Monteith and Finn Hudson are not the same person! (I am less certain about Lea Michele and Rachel Berry not being the same person. I'll get back to you.)

I actually think they might be using Sue exclusively to mock Klaine fandom. (Which is not unjustified.)

It would be funny if it was coming from someone who didn't try to shoot Brittany out of a cannon. The whole thing feels like Gary Busey telling Hunter S. Thompson to lay off the drugs.

People always seem to be amazed that VA has choreography. You'll note that the vast majority of New Directions performances look like square dances so Vocal Adrenaline looks like something that would intimidate them.

Or possibly these are fictional characters, and Cory Monteith was never Finn Hudson.

He made out with Tina.