beautiful troll

I hate that we recruited what look like four interesting characters with great voices and we're making them sit there and listen to Chord Overstreet emote with his shark eyes.

They had "Back For Good," which got some airplay in America. That said, it wasn't world-defining and it was pretty much their only song that made it here. For all intents and purposes, they were a one-hit wonder here, and it's not surprising Patrick wouldn't remember them.

I totally agree. Richie's way too good for Patrick, and they have literally nothing in common. Patrick is going to get bored with someone who doesn't get his references and jokes and Richie is going to get sick of Patrick talking down to him.

My experiences with it have been…mixed. I had an awful three-way in the woods (I did not get off, and I spent the whole time wondering why I was getting my dick bitten by a 19-year-old), but I also had a great blowjob in a bunker before I left Iraq.