Steve U

Did he die? Wow - you'd think that, in a show with so few major plot points, I'd be able to remember them. I guess it wasn't the brother, then.

My money is on the brother.

The big exception
In general, I totally agree that too much critical acclaim can lead to a "knives coming out" backlash. To my knowledge, though, that never happened with The Wire. Perhaps that's because the contrarians couldn't work up the patience to actually finish an episode.

The Truth Is Out There
Admit it; Keith left this blog to star in a risque Showtime dramedy called "Chicagosexification." In it, Keith plays an enfant terrible of the online publishing world who has never quite been able to live up to his early promise. He spends his days getting drunk, having sex with impossibly

It's good to see Hollywood finally looking out for the interests of the hypersensitive time-travelling fin-de-siecle movie watcher demographic. Their plight has gone unmentioned for far too long.

And Micheal Hogan - how has he never been nominated? From Season 3 on, he has been easily the most interesting character on the show.

The absence of ANY nominations for The Wire is inexcusable, obviously. That being said, it's good to see Dexter finally get some recognition; Michael C. Hall is up for best actor, and the show is up for best drama.

What's funny is that Rumsfeld specifically advertised his vision of the post-9/11 military in "More With Less" terms back in the run-up to the war. All the buzz was about stripped-down units that would be cheaper, faster, and better than what we had in Gulf War I. Of course, he neglected to mention that part of the

I was wondering what you were going to say about Doctor Who. You have to admit, it was a pretty clever idea. It's the 1960s, and you want to start a Sci-Fi TV franchise that will (hopefully) last for decades. The show is heavily focused on a single character. Of course, no one actor could be expected to stay in

Great Start
As expected, this was a tremendous start to the series. The Simon/Burns formula from "The Wire" really is a perfect fit for this subject matter. As our recent misadventures overseas have shown, the US military may be one of the few institutions that could rival Baltimore's city government for incompetent

Slight Correction
This may be a bit pedantic, but you told Stein that 2 Live Crew v. Acuff-Rose stood for the proposition that the First Amendment protects parody. That isn't the case; the "Pretty Woman" parody was held not to be infringing because it was a fair use, not because it was somehow constitutionally

No, there was no typo. She's saying that she expected physical waves of disgust to enter the theater during the makeout scene. Having entered, the waves of disgust would need a place to sit; namely, the roped-off section.

This may be the worst Friday Buzzkill of all time. I can't even begin to imagine what NBC is going to do with Meet the Press. Clearly they have to find an interim replacement fairly soon, with the election upcoming, but there's no one I can think of who could do his job.

Did they ever explain the format of this competition? It seemed like they just assumed that everyone would be familiar with it from prior seasons. I haven't seen any of the earlier seasons, so I'm curious: how does this show work? Is the mole's compensation inversely related to the pot? (I assume that is

So, what is the gameplay like? Is it a text adventure? You mention getting stronger by shutting down forums, which you do by "being obnoxious." What does that entail? Are there minigames to determine whether you're being obnoxious enough? Do you actually have to input text "posts" which are somehow

Noel, I understand that each show is graded on its own curve. And, in hindsight, this episode was much better than I thought it was on first viewing.

Uptowngbnv is almost certainly the Bay Harbor Butcher. That being said, I agree 100 percent with the parent of this thread. I'm thrilled that they're going back to the 10PM timeslot, where they don't have to be as worried about what parents will think. This show was made for a 10PM timeslot.

I think Frank does know. The rest of them don't. Frank has already shown superior knowledge of the 815 manifest. I think he knows who he is, but the rest of them don't.

Grade Inflation
I'm as much of a LOST fan as anyone, but the fact that this episode received the same AV Club grade as the series finale of The Wire is inconceivable. What happened this week that we didn't already know? What did we learn about Michael's character?

Theseus is annoyingly long, but not all that difficult once you get the pattern down. The hardest sequence for me on Titan mode wasn't a boss fight at all. It was an ordinary room with two Cerberus' and, later, some of the big armored guys with axes. The Cerberus' keep spawning little pups and, if you don't stay