Steve U

Up next, on the AV Club . . .
Carrot Top denies the Holocaust!

Excellent film
I just saw this film last night. I have to say, it is absolutely brilliant. Given the visual design and the stately pace (though it's really not nearly as stately), people will always compare this film with 2001. The comparison benefits Moon, to be honest. This is a crowd-pleasing, conceptual

@MurrayThe Skull: You're right, Blackie seems to have access to the memories of the dead people whose forms he takes on. Perhaps this ties into Miles' ability somehow?

Almost certainly Blackie can take the form of corpses that are or were physically present on the island. Also, since Jacob can get off the island, presumably Blackie can as well. So, was the "Charlie" apparition that spoke with Hurley at Santa Rosa actually Blackie? This would explain Jacob telling Hurley that he

I think the Zak Adama reference was more of just a cute moment for those of us who have been there since the beginning. I doubt we're going to have a Zak Adama appearance in the little time we have left to wrap up the ridiculous number of storylines that are still hanging.

Assuming Dushku was being honest in her interview with you guys, I have to wonder why FOX would wait until week 6 to start showing the more Whedonesque episodes. This is a sci-fi series that airs on Friday nights. It's unlikely that anyone other than either preexisting or potential Whedon fans will be

Agreed on all points. All of a sudden, I'm very excited to see what they do with the final few episodes.

I think absinthe is on to something. I think Miguel suspects that Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher (hence his offhand comment about Doakes to Maria a few episodes ago.)

I vote
I vote because I maintain an irrational belief that my .0000000001% of my state's vote total will somehow influence the result.

Agreed; this episode was the most breathtaking tailspin from relative order to chaos that I've ever seen on TV.

Missed Colbert reference
Did anyone else get the impression that when Samantha said that her Daily Show character is:

RE: Colin Meloy knowing how to work a crowd:

Agreed with SPP. Shane could have checked his call log and discovered that Vic actually did call while Rezian had his phone. He'd have to conclude that Vic did so because he got cold feet and didn't want to go through with the plan to kill Shane. Thus, he'd know that Ronnie is the real threat, not Vic.

Agreed. Best episode of the season so far, and I'm surprised it didn't get a higher grade.

SNL Sketch
I'm sure this movie is terrific. However, any Jonathan Demme film will always be partially ruined for me by the SNL sketch in which Rob Schneider has an orgasm every time anyone mentions the name "Jonathan Demme."

Here's a thought; maybe the mom and the son killed him together, not unlike Harry Morgan helping Dexter find his first victims. Perhaps the mom helped lure the victim to the house, and the son fired the shot.

re: Dutch; you're definitely not the only one. I also think there's a possibility that Dexter Jr. kills Dutch.

Shield Episodes online
Unfortunately, I missed the season premiere. Does anyone know if it's available anywhere online (legally)?

Not to nitpick, but…
King Lear didn't split his kingdom between 3 sons; it was 3 daughters.

Looks Like a Video Game Indeed
That picture looks like it very easily could be a screencap from Jedi Outcast. Of course, as Tasha noted in the review, Jedi Outcast had the advantage of being interactive.