Steve U

Sam's Telekinesis
I was pleased to see the return of Sam's telekinesis from the pilot. A more powerful Sam definitely makes the show more interesting. I can imagine a (far) future story arc in which Sam becomes powerful enough to start to openly oppose the Devil. Of course, that will never happen if the show is

Quality Episode
It's a shame that they just burned this off on a random Thursday (during Lost no less!) with virtually no advance warning. That can't be a good sign for the future of this show. On the plus side, this was one of my favorite episodes of the whole run. I think you'll enjoy this one.

I agree; "code" is just shorthand for "more rigorous personality." Perhaps you could elaborate, Shut Up, since this seems to have struck a nerve? Personally, I think the only distinction between a "Code" and a "personality" is that a "Code" is more predictable ex ante. That is, inputting a set of circumstances, one

Simon didn't say Omar wasn't following a Code;in fact, he specifically said that he WAS. It's just that his Code had a hierarchy. In that hierarchy, the need to avenge Butchie trumped Omar's promise not to commit any more murders. From the interview:

You did know the answer; who knew Wikipedia read the AV Club? So no one else has to look it up, here's the Wikipedia explanation:

Episode Title
Maybe I missed something obvious, but I have to ask: was anyone able to figure out why this episode was called "30?" There were a lot of numbers thrown around in this one (Lester's 32 years on the force, Marlo's 10 million price tag, etc.), but I can't remember 30 being one of them.

Peter Gabriel even.

Funny, I never figured Patrick Bateman for a Mars Volta fan. Didn't he prefer Phil Collins Genesis to Pater Gabriel Genesis?

Not in Magazine Form
Obviously you don't subscribe to Hack Stand-Up Comic Quarterly.

Answer Re: Ed Sullivan Show
It was Davy Jones, pre-Monkees, appearing with the Broadway cast of Oliver. Nathan, tell him what he's won!

Carcetti's Fall
Of all the soul-crushing things that have happened on this show (and there have been many), Carcetti's fall from idealistic reformer to political shill, all accomplished over the course of 4-5 episodes, takes the cake. Let's do a quick rundown of everything he's accomplished since taking office:

No Cause of Action
Titles are not copyrightable. There is no way to trademark an album name and, even if there were, there would be no consumer confusion between a TV show and a 10 year old album. The suit will be dismissed at the motion stage.