
The race to bring the first live-action Mulan film to the big screen has recently kicked into high gear:

Hey, it would be really cool to see you cite the name of the person who wrote that Collectors' Weekly article—Lisa Hix. Since they give bylines to their contributors, it seems kinda gauche not to mention them by name when you're basically reposting/boosting their work.

Racism, as it's currently defined by racists, for whom "an obvious and explicit personal dislike of anyone on the basis of their skin color" is a more convenient definition. It is not currently defined that way by people who actually study racism or by most who actually experience it (or for the significant

To be clear, I was imagining a headline that was something like "Channing Tatum charms in interview with Carly Fleischmann, a non-verbal autistic woman." The problem is in erasing her name entirely from the headline.

Y'all are clearly trying here, but holy wow is this article chock-full of ableism.

Fuck you for this queerbaiting title. <3

January 6, 2015 was the premiere of the FIRST season of Agent Carter. You know, a year ago.

After seeing these brave acts, Ray chooses life not long after wanting to throw it away. […] If at its best Christmas is about finding the light amidst all the darkness, then In Bruges celebrates the epiphanic understanding one reaches when they discover there’s still hope through all the suffering, even if it comes

What superhero movie has had anything even resembling a theme that isn’t just a villain’s evil plan masquerading as one (The Winter Soldier’s surveillance state, Age Of Ultron’s deadly artificial intelligence)?

Got to see Food for Animals in Baltimore a few years back, and skipped out after their set, before Atari Teenage Riot.

How the shit did Ryan Vlastelica miss the memo that the biggest problem with 50 Shades is that IT'S A FUCKING ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP and the eponymous character is BASICALLY A RAPIST?

That kind of "feel" doesn't take a direct object. It's intransitive.

D4VE makes your list, but not Rat Queens, Hawkeye, Lumberjanes, Black Widow… ? Hoooooookay, bros.

What you need to understand is that comic book sales metrics are weird. REALLY weird. They're not based on anything but how many physical copies stores (pre)order, and a lot of shops still cater to what they view as the "traditional" demographic for comics: straight white men (see also: cisgender, currently

Only one thing is for certain: If you want more fun, smart, dynamic titles like She-Hulk, you need to buy them, and you need to buy them in print because those are the numbers that matter most to publishers.

Soooooo the only legitimate options to play scientists in your opinion are, what, nerdy, bespectacled, weedy white men?

Derp. Corrected.

Shit, you guys, do I need to turn in my geek card? I attended not one, but two proms my senior year of high school.

Report after report has revealed depressing statistics about how fictional women are presented on screen (not to mention the depressingly low number of women employed by Hollywood and their frustratingly unequal paychecks).

Does Quark's serve food? Might be better off at that Klingon place. Bonus: Serenaded with Klingon opera by the proprietor.