
Have we seriously not yet gotten to the point where all the good comedy writers have learned that "tr*nny" is a hugely offensive word, on par with "f*ggot" and "n*gger"?

Eight Olivias. There are at least eight Olivias at this point.

You remember the very first song on the album is "The Illest Villains," right?

Correction nitpick: The actual lyric is "man name."

Not a fan of actual horse-racing, either.

Depends on your definition of "mistreatment," I guess.

Luck was famously canceled after being renewed for a second season—because the series was unable to provide absolute safety to the retired racehorses that were its raison d’être.

To be fair, I tend to inevitably prefer the original voices for everything, because (a) they were selected for a reason, even if it's a reason I don't personally like or appreciate and (b) they were what the animation was initially matched to.

WARNING: As of about a month ago, two episodes of Attack on Titan are OUT OF ORDER on Netflix (23 and 24 are swapped). Make sure you're watching the episode numbers as you go, or you could end up spoiling something for yourself.

People think the dub is better? Guess I'm in that minority, 'cause I couldn't stand it.

Hey @spacemeat:disqus, let's go get drunk and talk about how disappointed we are in Doctor Who like it's our child who dropped out of Juliard to run a Mens' Rights blog.

Six months late is better than never!

While on the subject of lazy storytelling, why in the world does Agent Coulson have a giant pair of tweezers in his pocket when he’s imprisoned by Centipede?

As the fight choreographer my senior year of high school, I am hereby laying claim to the title of Badass Of The Madrigal Dinner.

Sorry for the belated reply here; was knocked out last week by the flu that's going around.

I would like to please move to this alternate world where Steven Moffat isn't so completely enamored of his own headbabies.

Very yes to all of this.

I'd love to read what you've written, but I'm afraid it's telling me I "do not have permission to access this post."

Gonna take a moment to feel old that the reviewer's embarrassing boy band albums are on CD.

Far be it from me to argue with anyone's enjoyment of anything, but, in my book, there's an important distinction between "I liked this episode" and "this episode was well made."