Team Zissou

The stuff that happens with Han Solo in between the two movies is what's most interesting to me. At the end of A New Hope, he's eager to rush back to Tatooine so he can pay back Jabba. He obviously gets sidetracked by deciding to enter the Battle of Yavin and earn his medal afterwards. Then when we see him in Empire,

The natural follow-up would be Bendis' Dark Avengers book, which took place during the Dark Reign megastory. He was using most of the characters and Deodato was artist, so the intent was clearly to try and recreate the magic of the Ellis Thunderbults run.

I'm here to comment on Smith's comic work that I've read!

I haven't read all of Wildcats 2.0 yet, but 3.0 is AMAZING!!!!!! I have all of the issues sitting on a shelf, waiting for a reread. I can't wait. I bet it holds up just as well as what we're seeing from Image these days.

I'm almost wrapped up with the last trade on the Fraction/Allred FF series and I took a break to read Ant-Man #1, which was one hell of a CONFUSING transition.

There's three different mini series called Star Wars Infinities that I really enjoyed. They're basically What If? stories about each of the Star Wars movies. In the Empire Strikes Back mini, for example, Han is too late to rescue Luke at the beginning of the movie, so we get to see how the story would have played

I remember reading somewhere (Bleeding Cool? Tom Brevoort's formspring?) that Duggan's Marvel exclusive still allowed him to write Arkham Manor. Sounds more like an early cancellation to me.

Oh and let's not forget to mention that "Michael Scott Clone" Andy's dad was played by 7th Heaven, a.k.a. that guy who makes us all uncomfortable now!

Between #2 and #3, there was Romantic Lead Andy Bernard, mostly around the time when the Andy/Erin flirtation plotline was the only romantic subplot on the show. The last season did a complete 180 on this so we could have version #4 and Erin could end up with Plop.

I just got back from seeing it and you're absolutely right. While watching it, I figured out the perfect way to watch this movie: at home, immediately before you leave to watch part 2 in theaters. None of this "wait a year" bullshit.

Two trades are out. I imagine there will be a third to finish it out. Hop on, now!!!

I strongly second this. There were so many things that disappointed me about that arc, especially after the glorious end of the Vaughn/Alphona run. The Victor/Nico relationship set up at the end of Vaughn's run is immediately dismantled so Whedon can write his shoehorned tragic time travel love story. A new Runaway is

Me too. Just finished my 3rd run through the show. I saw it once on the air, once on DVD, and now just again on NetFlix as comfort food essentially. It's especially fun to revisit if you went to college in the pre-smartphone era, as the technology and ways everyone interacts on the show feels much more throwback.

Aladdin had a set of sequels and a TV series. In the first sequel, Return of Jafar, Iago betrays him and joins Team Aladdin. He's pretty much with the good guys for all the spin-offs that follow.

They also wrote the Spectaculuar Now! Cut them some slaaaaaack!

I actually was really hoping we'd hear about Halo 2. I know I was in the minority, but I really loved playing as the Arbiter and I found his story arc to be a lot more interesting than bland Master Chief's. Keith David's voice played a huge part in that. I was disappointed when they downsized his role in the story for

6 years ago! I didn't notice that until I saw the comments section. The article was linked on the main page. It was obviously posted to coincide with the punishing weather we've been having this season. Is this reposting of old inventory entries going to be a regular thing though?

It's just future President Dazzler who is dead. Present Dazzler is still alive (I think). She's just been replaced by Mystique and working for S.H.I.E.L.D.

There's 3 of them. They cover the run from Winter Soldier through the Death of Captain America mega-story and eventually end with Captain America: Rebirth. I'm very sad they seemed to have stopped producing any more because there's a lot that was left uncollected in the format, and I hate switching to smaller trades =/

I remember reading an interview where he said the punchline was meant to be delivered with a shrug, pretty much. It sounds ok if you imagine Sarah Michelle Gellar saying it with a little smirk.