JRjr was on it for all 10 issues and it was pretty consistent in spite of the multiple inkers. It was occasionally too sketchy, but I thought he did a good job overall.
JRjr was on it for all 10 issues and it was pretty consistent in spite of the multiple inkers. It was occasionally too sketchy, but I thought he did a good job overall.
Loved him when he started out on Impulse. His art was very expressive and entertaining but he could handle the emotional beats well. His style has changed and I've held good will towards him ever since, in spite of how he pushes it a little too extreme often.
Manifold is a character from Hickman's Secret Warriors. I like him enough, though he doesn't have much personality to him. I wasn't a big fan of the series either, and I bought it in omnibus… just because I love the omnibus format too much =/
I was pleasantly surprised to see her appear in Cable & X-Force. Then I was even happier to see that she seems to be sticking around.
This movie explains how Bruce got the limp too. It's a gag I really enjoy where Batman is grabbing Joker by the throat, and the Joker misdirects him into looking at one hand while saying "On the other hand…" before stabbing him in the leg with a knife.
I went to the 6-hour performance and stayed for about 2 hours. And it was, in fact, not boring! It was actually awesome! Don't make fun of me!!!!
I think if you want to check out some good standalone stories before jumping into the big runs, you can try by checking out The Man Without Fear and Born Again by Frank Miller. Daredevil: Yellow by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale is a pretty solid, romantic tale that makes the silver age look really beautiful.
I enjoyed the JMS and JRjr Amazing Spider-Man one too. It dealt with the aftermath of the "Aunt May finds out Peter's identity" story and also reintroduced Mary Jane into the book. Now that I think about it, those were probably the two best subplots in the early part of his run.
Peter David and Todd Nauck also did a good, lighthearted silent issue of Young Justice where Impulse takes on a group of villainous mimes at a Wendy the Were-Slayer convention.
I can't help but find this question racially charged. I'm not sure I would hear the same question asked about, say, Charlize Theron or Katie Holmes. I just don't think it's an appropriate kind of comment to be making in this type of forum.
I've never gotten into those DnA cosmic books and am wondering if it's really as good as I've heard. (At the time, I remember people criticized Civil War by saying that Annihilation was the event that "got it right").
From the incredible I'll Try Anything Once demo:
Agreed. Biggest disappointment of the year. I very frequently push Fun Home on friends as a gateway entry to graphic novels. I think it's brilliant in its use of the medium. Are You My Mother? was sadly just indulgent.
Agreed. Biggest disappointment of the year. I very frequently push Fun Home on friends as a gateway entry to graphic novels. I think it's brilliant in its use of the medium. Are You My Mother? was sadly just indulgent.
For this emo soul, Blue Valentine and Like Crazy both gave nice bite-sized doses of brokenhearted sadness with great music and sad images of LOVE.
For this emo soul, Blue Valentine and Like Crazy both gave nice bite-sized doses of brokenhearted sadness with great music and sad images of LOVE.
@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus "Carrie with dudes." I just figured out my elevator speech to convince people to watch this movie!!!
@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus "Carrie with dudes." I just figured out my elevator speech to convince people to watch this movie!!!
I don't really see anything in Dino's actions over the last few issues that suggest he's aiming towards redemption.