
Is a tugboat a ghetto sea vessel then?

So Loki gives you a little dick?

Just tell him what you want him to fuck.

Nope, no he didn't, not sure if you're scrambling to cover your tracks or genuinely misremember what you posted, but I won't engage in an argument over it.

I took a quick gander at your comments and you did in fact post all of the above, if you feel so strongly about these issues then why not stand by your statements?
You immediately lose any moral high ground you might think you're taking by not doing so.

And if they do turn out to be rapists, or even turned out to be less then savoury characters otherwise, what then?

"Most people in Britain and Ireland don't know the distinctions between Britain/UK/England etc either"

I thought it was a legitimate question, perhaps due to my love for dawn of the ape planet. Maybe its just me who saw some hypocrisy. Anyways i probably focused on the wrong thing here, i love me some elmore leonard and some john hawkes (phenomenal in winters bone, and the cashier in from dusk til dawn) so im looking

In Dowds review of the new planet of the apes he suggested knowing how things would pan out in the future lessened its enjoyment. Here though it enhances it. So whats the difference between the two?

The argument makes no sense, we know how most films will end, Bond isn't going to take a bullet to the chest and bleed out, he's going to beat the villain and bang the girl.

You should be more concerned with what they're doing when you're not around.

Blade walker

Hey I thought you people were supposed to be jolly.

For someone who watched the episode when it came on air and hadn't anything spoiled for you personally you're really carrying a major grudge here. Let go and move on.

So after fucking your girlfriend what do you do with the other 23 hours and 58 minutes of your Saturday? Deflating her and storing her safely away can't take that long.

“hey sanchez, goonie goo goo.”

"Dearest Edna, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, ehhh I haven't decided yet. But one thing I can tell you, any time I hear the wind blow it will whisper the name Edna. And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages"

For Irish people saying something is grand is like saying it's only ok, nothing special but more then adequate. It doesn't mean it's majestic or full of splendour…unless that is what you meant Nerdinthebasement.

Well whatever you do don't wear a crown of shitty thorns, that's a nasty infection just waiting to happen.

Yes, but you should read it as 1 million + users competent enough with a computer to avoid having to do business with flesh and blood dealers, and instead get top quality stuff delivered to their door. The whole point of TOR browser is you don't have anyone spying on you.