Tom Cervix

You see, Doctor Jones, there is nothing you have that Disney cannot take away.


It was. It called back Ben complaining the DJ only had R.E.M.'s "Monster", from whence that track came.

It's always hilarious when April HAS to be the adult in their relationship. Usually, they both act like kids but there's those few delicious moments when even April realizes Andy needs supervision.

"…who was wielding an air conditioning unit as a weapon"


Having Aaron Paul on there so much made me wonder why they never asked him to host. He seems like a dude up for being goofy. Maybe no one on the roster does a good Walter White for a BrBa skit?

Someone actually had to explain to me it's because a lot of NOLA people relocated to Maine after Katrina, and the skit is basically they brought their swamp dweller attitude/lifestyle, as well

She has a highly evolved self-involved radar.

"What Walt did not know in the pilot was where true power lies. It’s not
in money; no matter how much you earn, it soon will be stolen or spent.
It’s not in an empire; that’s bound to be picked apart by ambitious
predators. What’s more, either of those goals make your legacy a target.
Whoever inherits what you’ve

I tell people THIS all the time. Ted would have shit-canned nearly every idiot on CNN and HN by now for being completely incompetent. He may have literally punched Blitzer on air just to make the point.

For comparison, look at CNN now that Ted no longer controls it. It is, essentially, worthless.


"You don't get any money, but you get to eat with me and my mom. NOW WHO'S THE WINNER?!"

Well, you got rid of the hot one, but you did keep her on until almost the end. Now tell us how Natasha is always awesome even when she is not. (Seriously, where's the rest of that huge king crab you got? Didn't Joe blast at least one other contestant THIS YEAR about leaving so much of the main ingredient at their


I think part of it is he has this aura of "he will fuck you up if he has to" so he has no need to be an asshole. Andre the Giant was the same type of guy. Total sweetheart because everyone already knew the guy will crush you if the time came.

Or, possibly, illegal for everyone.

There's a "Squeal, piggy!" joke in here somewhere.

So would that mean "cancellation" is death, but suicide is "ending the show on our terms"?