Tom Cervix

It ends with Starlord showing Rocket Raccoon how to drink properly from a water fountain.

Bah Bodenkirk.

I just play Lil'  John saying "WHAT!?" in between Dora's akward pauses to the audience, then "YEAH!" when she gives the answer. It proves 1.) This could work. 2.) I have too much free time.

When that video started, there was an ad for Friends University and it was generic "college seriousness" music. Then I just imagined if it instead started with the theme from "Friends" instead. Then I forgot why I clicked the link and just pondered that thought instead.

For him, it was a Tuesday.

We could blame the cancer, but I think we all know 'twas Stephanie Myers bullshit stories that killed him.

This looks like one of those late 80s-early 90s movie-to-TV adaptations where they used people that either looked marginally like the movie versions via the clothes they put them in or just out and out said fuck it and cast anybody and it came off less as a spinoff or continuation and more like if that movie occurred

Hey kid, I'm a computer!

I prefer TALK SHOW MEGAZORD! Ferguson gets his own 'Zord because he's the only one that can believably play a flute dagger.

I'd ask if you could also work in Gwyneth Paltrow, but then I realized this isn't HuffPo.

They have to constantly feed The Maddow or it gets all snappy.

His name is Egg?