Dirtbike Milksteaks

I'm still waiting on the sequel to Ballistic: Becks Vs. Sever.

I'm not letting the alt-right ruin The Cramps too.

So, in order to defend against feeling The Noise, the girls have to rock the boys?

This is nothing compared to that Dawson's Creek episode that was guest directed by Luis Bunuel.

"You guys can smile all you want, I'm doing CW Face."

I hope it buys Dan Aykroyd's skull dinner first.

The Devil's Backwash

Maybe the idea is that he couldn’t commit to his profession, so how could he possibly commit to Megan? But who cares? He’s naked, ha ha!

I love it.

Lloyd Kaufman?

Local pickup? Fuck that.

I watched The Third Man last week and caught something I'd never noticed before: after Harry Lime shows up for the first time and scurries away, there's a shot of Joe Cotten with a poster behind him that says "JACKL."

I haven't had a good BM in months. In months!

ESP guitars too, which are really good guitars.

Metallica was my first concert. I was nine. And look how I turned out.

They still aren't funny.

Seal Teal Six was Prince's worst backing band.

I'll see you at the Crossroads. You won't be lonely.

With the Kinjaning approaching and the fun waning, I've decided that my AV Club commenting days are at an end. Goodbye to friends and foes alike.

I don't have kids.