
My creepy-girl-on-the-internet moments are still reserved for Modell. Those other guys don't come close.

Massive head injuries from a moving set piece at the Tonys.


With the exception of the Bloody Mary, those mixed drink suggestions are horrifying. I mean, each ingredient on its own is fine, but together? My god.

Did you just call us all Limp Yorkies?

Tarkovsky's Bathroom Attendant:

If so, you should use it to buy a sense of humor, because my Combustion/Tuberculosis line was HILARIOUS.

Good point, Bogart. I meant film.

For those of us too embarrassed to admit that we would totally live in the Harry Potter world (::looks around sheepishly::), may I submit the world of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell? All the magic and Britishness we so love, plus period costumes.
Similarly, the ballroom scene in Labyrinth.

Not so sure about DickensWorld (come for the Spontaneous Human Combustion, stay for the Tuberculosis), but my friend and I were watching Sense and Sensibility the other day, and agreed that we wanted to be THERE. Awesome (and boobilicious) dresses, and nothing to do all day but embroider and frolic in fields and

But you can dive into a giant vault of gold coins without breaking your neck!
On the other hand, some of the townspeople are dogs, but have dogs as pets. It's madness!

Oh holy shit, Teo. Is that an ELP reference? I can't believe it took me this long to catch that.
Let's all get married! Hooray!

Me corny, Lincoln's Revenge.

Absolutely Hates All Vitriolic Aardvarks

Dr. Strangelovecraft, I think you should marry me. Who the fuck references Koschei Bessmertnii? You, that's who.
All this talk made me want to listen to the Aleksandr Nevsky score, so I am.

Hey, if I'm at a bar and a pitcher of PBR is $5 and everything else is double that, I'm drinking the PBR. That's all there is to it.

This is the best thread ever. But:
Rach 2 is better than Rach 3, in my opinion.
As a pianist it pains me to say this, but the Ravel orchestration of Pictures really does outshine Musorgsky's original piano work. I just heard the ISO do it again last weekend, and was reminded of this. (ouch ouch ouch)
A thread can never

I'm not your Fat Man, Jake.

I'm not your Parker, Peter.

Oh, that reminds me - my very own Antiques Roadshow: The Game! arrived in the mail today! Who's up for a round, and then maybe a Frontline marathon?!