
I find it to be a zesty enterprise.

Oh, Goatley….

Online dating is fascinating. My MO for the last decade or so has been to get drunk and hook up with someone I already know, and then end up in a relationship with them. That clearly hasn't worked out so well, so I'm trying the online thing (plus I'm in a new city). It's going well so far, but I've only been out

There were Mighty Ducks in that movie??!?

"[W]e get Stewart doing the best self-righteous ranting you'll see this side of George Carlin."

I think he might've had a slightly lazy eye.

The Margaret Thatcher one was clever, but damn if this didn't make me laugh.

He's a *reverse* hipster?

He's a *reverse* hipster?

Rectus!?  Damn near killed us!

Rectus!?  Damn near killed us!

I'm no Austenite, to be sure, but whatever halfwit cast her as Elizabeth Bennet should be strung up by their eyebrows and forced to…  I don't know … watch that abomination.  Unless Elizabeth Bennet was *supposed* to be a slouchy, petulant bobble-head. God.

KnowwhatImean, Avernger?

It's "Before the Dark Knight Rises," and it's the new Ethan Hawke/Julie Delpy movie everyone's been talking about.

Same with Arcade Fire.

Drinking an otherworldly PBR.

Me too!!!  Here, I'll get you started:
:::SPOILER!:::  …

I sparred for real in a ring exactly once (TKD) with a girl who was shorter and smaller than I, and I lost.  Mainly because I'm not very good, but also because she kept kicking me in the junk.  I kicked her in the face, though!  Bitch.

Well, it's a little pagan-y, i guess, but really not a big deal.  It's the *rest* of Carmina Burana that's pretty bawdy.  That school board is retarded.

Holy crap, that made me laugh like a lunatic.