
I'm not your Thriftweed, Mr. Fancypants.

Um. Because Christopher Lambert is hot.

I have a TV but no cable, and I didn't get any channels at all until I hooked up the digital converter a couple weeks ago. Now I get exactly four channels, and they are all PBS, which is awesome.
Does this make me more or less of a douche?

When I saw the headline, I got excited because I thought it was about Christopher Lambert.

But not on airplanes, oddly.

Indeed, Pheeze. Chang's stomache was a vertiable Tardis.

Weevil, that clip was AWESOME.

::Obligatory "Stand and Deliver" Joke::

Jeremy vs. The Recess Lady

I have a Masters in Musicology…
…so I can tell you with the utmost authority that Fuck Not Again minor is, indeed, the saddest of all keys.

It's ON, bitch.

@ Lex, re: Moonlighting-
That episode was Shakespeare, not Seuss. It's okay, I get them confused, too.

Well, at least it's clear where they stand on the Get Up/Get Down debate.

He's saving up his hobo nickels, biding his time until the revolution.

That picture just made me want some sausage. That fucking vagrant has sausage and I don't.

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!

Plus, aren't a lot of us here getting close to aging out (my friends and I were also talking about this recently)? What's the limit these days?

Ho Lee Shit. I just bought the game.

This movie sounds excellent. Too bad it probably won't come to Indiana in my lifetime.

Damn you, Tea Leoni.