
Is. She. A. Page. In. Your. History.

Grew up in Iowa, but am in Indiana right now. I haven't been to a GC since I was little, so I don't remember much, except that the jello (green, in my mind's eye) had whipped cream on it, which seemed like the height of fanciness when I was five.


Wait a minute, what? Where do you live that there's still a Golden Corral? I just noticed the one here for the first time the other day, and it blew my mind. I hadn't seen one since I was five - I thought they were gone.

Guys, we're off topic.
@Tina - the answer is none. None more carbs.

Does the Cheesy Butt Stopper come with a Butt of Sack? Because then I think we're onto something.

Why you eatin' other peoples french fries?

Ba, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Damnit, Racist. I wish you would have told me that sooner.

I mean 'Violation'

I'm sure I'm missing some good ones, but the dirty linguistics terms off the top of my head:

Oh man, and you had me scouring my brain to find the episode of Night Court with Henry Winkler on it.

What does this mean for my Slap-Each-Other-With-Cured-Pork* party I have coming up this weekend?

Do not taunt Happy Fun Swine Flu.

Call me crazy, but I'd really like Tarkovsky's Former AD to weigh in on this subject.

Sad and Lonely Guy - please tell us you're kidding about the "7 years" part. After six month (tops) my vision and judgement get blurry enough to remedy that problem.

Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. Did he mean that the pudding was clotty?

Wait, what does the homicide bean taste like? Or does it just have really sharp edges?

Aw, shit. I should have read farther before commenting - I didn't realize he/she did that on ALL the threads. That's annoying.

Holy crap, Subway Justice. How do you know my brother's girlfriend?