
I would love to get more of the show, but I'd hate for them to undo the perfect place they ended it.

I have to assume the cameo you mention was done as a favour/out of affection for the show and thus made as affordable as possible.

It is absolutely wonderful.

"And *that's* why you don't expand past the trilogy you planned"

Assassin's Creed VIII: Bartending and Lying Prone in a Weird Science Machine For Hours

Yeah, I mean if they'd both gone all out with the used-game killing DRM, the authentication stuff, the always-on camera, etc. I'd be interested to know what the conversation would be like amongst the fanboy masses if both were equally awful.

The only setting I've wanted more than this one is Jack the Ripper era London.

Apparently they've got nine working on this one. And it's ridiculous to pretend that there are good reasons not to have a female character. Just make her the same height as the male characters (I'm assuming they're pretty cookie-cutter in order to make the environmental parkour business work), get one female mocap

It would certainly be fascinating to see how it would play out if Sony had matched Microsoft on all their terrible ideas prior to the launch of this generation.

You break one fucking tusk, and it's HBO's Luck all over again.

Humble Bundles and Steam sales have turned me into a nightmare consumer for the gaming industry. "Ok, yeah, it is supposed to be one of the best games of the last year, but that doesn't mean it's *ninety-nine cents good* I mean come on now."

Really, the series had about as strong an understanding of narrative as it did the science, which is why it worked so well. Didn't expect myself to feel quite so moved and inspired by the discussion of the scale of our knowledge and existence in this episode - particularly the segment about the Voyager craft.

So many big moments ruined by that logo cutting in.

Yeah, especially given that the feature is just coming off of a short hiatus. What gives?

Being primarily a console gamer means I've got the exact same problem around keyboards. A console controller has different groupings of buttons that make it easier for me to remember what they do, whereas the keyboard is mostly an undifferentiated mass of functions with no easy way to remember. Even if you rebind

Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye are my muscle memory games. I still have the geography from all of the courses/levels in the immediate recall part of my memory.

Butt the RV

All my comments are good.

I legitimately started to feel a little sick watching it, so basically yes.

Is this an intentional likening of Andy Samberg to Adam Sandler, or just a fortuitous mistake?