
budget cuts

it's the fuuuuuuuture

The timeline of the actual events covered in S2 is pretty hilarious if you look it up. Obviously the compression of three planned seasons into one had a lot to do with that, but it's still ridiculous.

I'm enjoying it a fair bit, but with a few caveats. It's pretty clearly a conversion from a planned MMO into a single player game, so you'll spend most of the time questing in semi-enclosed regions. It's repetitive, but there's a ton of content. It's colourful and has a tremendously detailed mythology, though it's a

"Hi everyone, I'm Djoneson. I had been doing really well, staying clean for a few months, until an internet comment from duwease caused me to relapse"

I put 10 hours into Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning today, so what do I know about pacing myself. I'm usually not the kind of player who tries to do everything in a game, but certain types of open world games just trigger something in my brain and I'll try to complete every quest/collectible (this is why I'm only just

Constantly jumping. Never built it up that much, but it was worth it to make ledges and mountain passes just that tiny bit more accessible.

Yeah, every part of the trip, from how they got to go right through the entire trip felt thoroughly grounded in the show's reality. I appreciate that they put the effort into making a three episode arc about it when I'd ultimately have forgiven them had they just pulled a "we saved some extra cash, let's go!" and

Pretty sure it's Maurice.

I have no idea if anyone is left from the early days. I know they've got some long-running staff, but I was meaning the amount of content produced with these characters rather than the tenure of the writers.

Hey, you try coming up with something good to fill your twelve-thousandth minute of content.

I'm a defender of the early 20s seasons, but I can't see giving this year's pile of indifferent mush higher than a C overall. Almost none of the episodes had even close to a solid structure, half the storylines were so lazy and perfunctory they barely bothered to close them out, and the increasingly common format

Has anyone *ever* pushed the time of a wedding *forward* several hours? I mean, the proportion of any wedding's guests who would be using that time to get ready would make that an unbelievable clusterfuck, regardless of the other sitcom complications the episode created.

Le Contrivance

I suspect the constant references to her here are intended to set up a splashy appearance in part two. Otherwise they'd just mention that she couldn't make it and cease referencing that character's absence.



Gotham City, here we come, right back where we started from

I really only like those characters in about half of their X-Files appearances, so with the less than glowing recommendation in this review I'm just going to skip it.

I was going to watch this when I got to that point in my X-Files marathon, but then I saw it was an hour long instead of a half hour series and I just could not tolerate spending 13 consecutive hours with these characters.