
It focuses more on the tenant farmers than the servants during the same period, but The Village does a pretty good job of emphasizing conditions around a great house through the exact same time period.

Well that's upsetting news. His brief presence in episodes of The Village was always great, and I had hoped he and the show would get to the point where he could be more directly involved.

See, I thought the ending would avoid showing us Jax's actual death, and have Katey Sagal singing as the camera zooms into her mouth, which turns into the open road, with Jax riding past all the major characters killed over the years. Somehow the wine and bread and Jesus crows managed to be *less* subtle.


I'm guessing that was all about insurance for Jax riding sans helmet.

In my head, it's literally Vic Mackey, working under a fake name as a trucker so he can travel to different places looking for Corrine and the kids.

I've seen every episode, and when I saw this news elsewhere, my first thought was "oh, right, that show."

I want to say during parts of The Dominators, but I can't point to anything all that specific. Maybe it was just *me* who was checked out.

I found Troughton a bit checked out at times near the end of his run as well. I've seen the first 13 seasons of the classic era, and honestly all three Doctors seemed out of gas (and I was pretty ready for them to go) as their era was ending.

Either The Sea Devils or Planet of the Spiders.

Cut Cam, Mitchell and Manny, move Lily in with Jay and Gloria.

Yeah, the flipped perspective thing is a fantastic idea.

This sort of thing is not how previous AV Club TV Club editor Leopold Leopoldovich would have handled notifications.

I thought this season felt a little bit threadbare during some of the middle episodes, but the way it concludes is ultimately fairly effective. I have to imagine that this is the end of the series, has anyone heard any news on that front?

It's not like he had any time during the 800 years in one village as he aged toward death to think about what the important people from his past (except for that one sexy redhead he knew for like, two and a half years, 801 years ago) and whether he might want to see any of them ever again.

To be fair, he did promise to return some day, and he's definitely made that a real priority.

If we're looking at the Third and Fifth Doctors, I haven't seen the Fifth, so I can only recommend one of these three:

I liked the way that storyline was handled, but Barca was a character I always thought would've been great to have along later in the series, save for the likelihood they'd have either forgone or altered a certain gay couple.

He even said he's able to make a living at it in the last episode. I'd really like some details about how that's possible.

Because, when it comes to linking to novelty videos of celebrities rapping, only the highest standards of dignity and decorum are acceptable. To do anything to draw page views would be unseemly.