
And acquaintance of mine has been sucked into selling cleaning products, then health-food juices, then clothing, and now makeup, all using the exact same scam business model. If any of them worked she'd have stuck with them, so I'm wondering whether she's a phenomenal idiot or whether she's able to scam just enough

"The Gang Uses the D.E.N.N.I.S. system on Mindy Kaling"

I think he figured out he wasn't on a real business advice show, mainly.

They really shouldn't have licensed the name to so many places, really dilutes the brand identity.

I thought he was an awful character, and an awful performance. Several years down the road, he pops up on Arrow and I can barely contain my excitement to see him.

I really appreciated that they had the sense to know that they should compress the later portion of the rebellions and end the show after three and a half seasons. That allowed them to absorb those losses without losing what made the series compelling, as the high-stakes and emotional material inherent to the end of

The show certainly seemed like it was a pack of meatheads awkwardly delivering some terrible dialogue, bolstered with swearing and some T&A to patch over the fact that the incredibly low budget meant they could barely maintain the pseduo-300 aesthetic. After the horrendous pilot I came around on it pretty quickly

Yeah, I thought the second actress did solid enough work in the role, but I could never really connect with the character again. I had a bit of trouble doing that with the lead, but within a few episodes (especially Libertus) I was on board (of course, it helped that that recasting was a sad necessity, rather than a

I know it's a side effect of the TV section being intended for a post-viewing audience rather than the pre-purchase nature of the film/book/music reviews, but I wish that the reviews themselves didn't tend to be quite so anemic in these sections. There's nothing wrong with the actual criticism within this review, but

I think you should probably go.

I have a deep fear that they'll be able to actually halt production or hack the episode order for season 4, even with the long lead time for animation.

Is her advice going to be about figuring out a way to rebrand hot ham water?

Yeah, this is the one where I realized I was legitimately really enjoying the show. I hated the pilot so much I didn't go back to the show for months, but from here on out I was sold on the series.

So does that make Kim Kil Whan an Ooopublican?

You're being ridiculously dramatic - they kissed in season 2 AND season 5.

So basically Hit Girl from Kick Ass?

More like Zach Barff. Ha ha ha, hey everyone, Zach Barff! Ha ha ha, what a good joke!

This Christmas, it's Truckin' 'N' Fuckin'

Still slowly working my way through Dragon Quest IX in bits and pieces (on the desert continent dealing with their queen's missing lizard currently). The story is pretty standard traditional JRPG stuff, but the game is just so well made that it's even pleasant just to grind for exp and cash.

Bets on whether we'll see Matt Damon in a dog suit by the end of the series?