
I'm glad they haven't gone back to it. I love the other games that combine Mario with RPG mechanics, but that one is so deeply ingrained in my brain's nostalgia centre that no sequel could live up to it.

Call of Duty: All-Blacks Ops

Toilets tinkle into you. How else would you stay hydrated enough in the hot Australian sun?

XP is my home though, been using it since literally the day it came out.

Easily could be, since it isn't even their first universe anymore.

And that they carried that into all the sofa people having shocked reactions at seeing walking talking people-furniture wandering through their world.

I would be so, so happy if a future episode of Rick and Morty has them portal their way into the Adventure Time universe, even if they just run through it briefly.

Well, at least they lied to the entire cast about it too, so it's not just the audience who got played.

Yeah, Debbie's moment of recognition there hit me like a punch in the heart. I'm not sure whether it's more a writing issue or an actor limitation, but they can't seem to make anything with Carl resonate beyond a couple of moments with Frank each season (the scene at the lakeside here, or shaving Frank's head last

It's an allegory. Did you not notice how terrible it was?

Because it makes a better story and gets more attention, like the existence of this article. It's definitely possible I'm wrong, but at the minimum I suspect the kid would have been coached/previously taught about potential password system workarounds like that.

I'm actually in the middle of that one right now, by chance (literally
just finished episode three a couple of minutes ago) and have to agree.
It seems pretty dumb at this point, but the location filming at the
various coastal/naval locations and the solid action so far has been
pretty enjoyable.

The poor dears.

The odds that the one who figured out a security gap/bypass unintentionally left in the system happened to be the child of a computer security researcher do indeed seem pretty close to nil. For one, it's an Xbox controller and not a keyboard, so mashing the space bar isn't quite as natural and idea for someone to

I can't tell whether it's a "Kenny Loggins wants back in the spotlight" thing or a "Kenny Loggins is happy to be back to getting warm dinners" thing.

Season 4 was a little weak compared to the earlier seasons, but this was a solid finale, and there's something to be said for ending a respectable run on a good note. Contrast this to the death rattle How I Met Your Cautionary Tale let out this week.

Yeah, the odds that this "discovery" just happened randomly are pretty much nil.

I hope they make it to 29-30 seasons so they can pass Gunsmoke in the total episodes count, but good lord I hope they have the sense to know the show can't continue once they lose one of the core six voice actors.

I think it's more that the writers hate all of the characters.

I stand by my assessment.