
My optimism is that it is declining in reputation, which suggests we'll see it eventually reach a more reasonable evaluation.

And the followup to that revelation has also had considerably more depth and consistent character work than the entirety of Helix.

To be fair, the fireball that we saw engulf most of those characters would either kill them outright, or cause such severe injuries that they couldn't possibly survive the evacuation process, let alone an escape via snowmobile to an ad hoc community with essentially no medical resources. If we see most of those…

Save the prince, save the world.

More importantly, their shipper name is Ballantine.

This season has been pretty soft compared to the show's best days, but bringing Ken Jenkins in has been great, and if they wanted to do a sixth and final season that includes him as a regular (or more frequently recurring character) I can see them finishing strong.

Watched from the pilot week-to-week for about ten episodes, then lost track of it when my work schedule changed. Marathoned the rest of the series over the summer after season 5, and have watched week-to-week again ever since.

The semi-tropical island vacation cruise/day-trip for he and Lisa must have also been remarkably affordable.

I downloaded it, but there seemed to be a cut that suggested they used it as an act out and an act in, which is dismal corner-cutting.

I thought that was the low point of the episode, giving over so much time to a lazy filler non-joke.

"Is Aimee Teegarden available?"

Probably an availability issue, so they decided to go for the meta-joke. Half of the last episode was sitcom title puns, so I think it's getting to the "anything goes" part of the series.

If that's the reasoning, I hope they at least gave Hayter a shot and found he couldn't give them what they needed. Still seems a shitty thing to do to the guy after 15 years of working together.

I can't even imagine Snake voiced by anyone other than Hayter. I don't know why the change was made, but given the fact that so much of my attachment to the character is through the mass of codec/cutscene dialogue in his voice, I can't imagine it was anything but a serious mistake.

Yeah, this one was awful.

When the show was about Courtney Cox banging younger men, he was the antagonistic neighbour sleeping with a series of younger women, so this wasn't the biggest stretch.

Coming soon!

"It's funny, you guys come along to do one of these every time I try to kill myself to escape the curse of the music"

ees good, ees prequel