
I think we're all expecting Finn to lose that arm, and I'm definitely in the "Princess Bubblegum is going to turn out to be the ultimate evil" camp, so that might be too much build for just 26 more episodes. That said, the vision into Post-Ooo we saw at the end of the Lemonhope double-episode certainly contributed to

Yeah, this one only got a fourth season to get it into syndication, no one is going to foot the bill to make more. This has been a weaker season, but been a pretty solid show, and 88 episodes is a pretty respectable run.

It's probably somewhat relevant to my read of that sequence that I didn't play the game until around 2003 or so.

On the one hand, I appreciate them bumping forward a few stronger ones to try to give it a better chance to catch, but it is also annoying for those of us who actually are watching. At least the continuity isn't quite as pronounced as on Apt. 23, which was basically scheduled by throwing the episodes in a blender

The only catch is that the Modern Family theme song never stops playing. HEY HEY it shouts, welcoming you to the morning. HEY HEY it blares, soullessly, ceaselessly into the night.

Gonna play some more Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning this weekend. I'm about 12 hours in so far and while I'm enjoying it (hey, a mercifully brief tutorial section that introduces the basic mechanics without making them a huge slog), I'd really love to get out of the generic fantasy forest environment. I don't mind

You'd think that'd be unnecessary for someone with enchanted arms.

That ride into Black Mesa and the slow process of getting to the start of the actual game itself is interminable.

I've mostly avoided the special attacks in Bowser's Inside Story just so that I can cut down on the amount of time in tutorial sections.

I think the idea is that we're all supposed to inherently give a fuck about making America happen.

Yeah, it took me fucking ages to finally just barely squeak through that tutorial. Loved the game itself (though I never finished it), but that tutorial was a disaster, and I'm someone who even likes the Gran Turismo licensing tests.

I find the interface for the Assassin's Creed series has ended up being pretty efficient in terms of receding into the background but being easy to check what to do quickly if need be (though they still haven't sorted out the problems with close-quarters pathfinding created when they added tree-running in ACIII), but

Yeah, I was 14 when I got it, and loved the hell out of it even with those horrendous tutorials. I *also* thought the storyline was amazing. Sometimes I wish my taste and critical thinking skills hadn't improved, as it's left me with a near total inability to enjoy videogame storylines.

Now I desperately need to see Casey Wilson guest on an episode of Broad City, so thanks for that.

Knights of Dongtopia

Yeah that note was adorable.

Nice try Harris, letting them ride a wave of corruption all the way to a B+. Really though, that story is too perfect for the show for them to possibly have passed up.

Kickstarter to put Bobby Cobb and Randy Hill in a conversation of any kind.

I thought the hallucination scene might have been a series low point, until this thread reminded me of the original premise of the show.

Adventure Time, c'mon grab your friends BEFORE OBAMA DOES