
The fourth season was never anything more than a pack of extra episodes for Fox to burn off so the show could go into syndication. It's been considerably weaker, but still pleasant enough that it wasn't like a sans-Garcia renewal was a mistake.

But I don't want a Backwash Buddy.

I think it's things like the lack of forward movement for Bobby that have made this season feel so inessential. Strange how a sitcom that only got good when it became about drunken time-wasting is still able to stall out. That said, this was a pretty pleasant episode, and the infomercial and Bobby's confidence stroll

If it had a valve system that would let wine up through the bottom at a controlled rate when tilted, but not back down into the bottle it could work. Or even better if it could pump wine upward. I wish I had engineering skills.

This episode was phenomenal. I was under the impression that Girls was settling into a solid consistency after the mess they made of the back half of season 2, but this season just keeps getting stronger. I think these last three episodes might be the best string the show has ever had.

I don't know quite how to explain it, but watching this show is so grimy and unpleasant, it's like "Filthy Sweatpants: The Experience"

Scandal! (TBA)!

It didn't help that he was the servant who had to take the bullet of Hugh Bonneville "going to America" because of a conflict in the filming schedule.

Wot wot, pippy-o, young chap!

Yes, if you liked the first two seasons. They recover from the stumbles of season 3 pretty well.

Thanks for spoiling the careful groundwork laid out for season 5 where they're doing a crossover with Doctor Who season 8. You don't think they've avoided aging Daisy more than a year or two over an eleven year period just out of sheer sloppiness, do you?

I thought season 4 was a considerable improvement over the previous season, largely by trying to be less consequential and just float around in amiable class-conflict mode for most of the season. That said, this episode pushes that tendency into near-weightlessness, which is a bit too far for the show to pull off. I

Not only that, but The Time of the Doctor was a total mess

I'd say "The Empty Child" is also my favourite.

I'm not convinced that theory would hold very well for actually watching them in sequence though.

I think of them as the decent one, the good one, and the bad one.

I was counting it as a four in a row thing. And to be fair, the comment section for a review of episodes of a show from eight years ago is probably full of weirdo hardcore fans.

Probably that steamships would sail into NY and the journey from Cora's family home there would happen by rail.

To be fair, the first time he came back with a scratched face, feeling like crap. But yeah, I expect the series will end with him walking away from Downton as we see flashes of how he poisoned his wife and Sybil, and sabotaged Matthew's car, and it'll cut back to him as his limp disappears.

His ridiculous overuse of the "of the Doctor" naming convention has meant that I have trouble even remembering which episode is which from the title alone.