laughing girl

Thanks. And wow.

That's a really good analysis. Well put.

Hugh Laurie is bald????

Yes. Bloody hell: what were they thinking. Don't want to veer off into an Outlander discussion on this forum but they really should have done a netflix and shown the whole thing in one go. Urgh. Not take a break for almost a frigging year.

Ah. I forgot about good old Hannibal. Excellent point.

That's interesting. I was looking at his hair and wondering…

Thanks for the links. So how the heck did Nissa get her parents to agree to an abortion (I'm not familiar with Illinois abortion law, I'm assuming it requires the consent of the minor's parents)?

I thought Islam only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger? (I'm not trolling btw, I'm just curious.)

Most inappropriate response when watching this episode: noticing how damn good looking Mike Colter is as Lemond Bishop. He's so fine…

Jamie from Outlander. If only.

My pleasure.

Wig = Alicia. It's handmade for Juliana Margulies, one of those that costs several thousand dollars. It's also in her contract.

Another reason why I love Diane.

Agree with randomness - and also the costume… which is… special (?)

8) The dance girl is back because she's totally coocoo - and therefore delightful.

Alicia is not particularly likeable but she sure is watchable. She's gone from Saint Alicia to anti-hero. I like it. It's painful but good for the show.

Alcohol: I think I've begun to have such an allergic reaction to the whole "red wine consumption by women" theme because - and please someone tell me if I'm wrong - it seems to be mostly women who do this on TV (Olivia Pope, Cersei (not red wine but GOT equivalent), CRBF (Outlander), Alicia Florrick etc. - I don't

"I think Finn set her up"

It's such a shame because she doesn't need to be this thin etc… but what can you do. It's the industry.