laughing girl

So all that happened was Sherlock got off a plane and into a car. And that took all of 90 minutes. Bloody hell, Moffat.

Upvote for "self-referential wankfest".

Secret Twins.

Secret Twins.

Gutterson. I love Gutterson. Not sure about the goats though. I think I've had my fill.

I think it's that she's doing the shots at home as opposed to a bar… she's moved on from the red wine drinking to doing impromptu tequila shots in her kitchen… it'll be hilarious though if she really has a drink problem because it's funny to see someone as straightlaced as her having to deal with dependency issues (or

I see we've moved on to tequila shots - whoa girl. She does need them though. After all the new wig she's sporting this episode looks even stiffer than her.

Terriers - that show was so fucking good… it's up there with Firefly, Deadwood et al…

"he really doesn't (yet) strain credulity anywhere near as much as Kalinda" —— Give it time.

Who's Moe?

Who's Glenn? —- I think I need a Grimm flow chart…

Don't go there.

Am I the only one checking for green screen in the scene at the bar with JM and Cash Jumbo?

I don't think Josh Charles got enough credit for how much he brought to The Good Wife - and while I agree that season 5 was amazing, it's really clear that the show continues to suffer for his absence.

Given how much those things costs: how bleeding difficult can it be to get something that looks less like a dead ferret.

You have no idea how much it pains me that I can only upvote you once.

Well, TGW writers sure like recycling plotlines so another associates' revolt would be in line with that.

Yeeeesss, plot continuity is, eh, somewhat lacking…

Love Nora: love everything about her, her attitude, her style, her hair (god, that's some fine hair on that woman), telling Eli that she was supposed to spy on him. Cary is wasted - Matt Czuchry deserves better. Other than that I can't get really invested - sure, some scenes are working: Alicia's bond court

Yeah, that was…weird… WTF?