laughing girl

You forgot Cersei Lannister and Claire Randall Beauchamp Fraser.

As I've stated very clearly in my comments I'm aware that this is a personal bias re alcohol consumption by oneself. No more, no less. The episode as always with TGW is brilliant: tight, well scripted and brilliantly acted. The points I'm raising above are just the themes I noticed which struck me as problematic in

That kid… was something else.

You don't like sharing your wine, Somerset?

I need to expand my viewing horizons - obviously.

Hmmm, yes, "bareback gay porn". Only on TGW. Love it.

Sonia, your reviews have been great - some of the best on this site. I'll now have to mosey over to Salon to catch your reviews. Good luck.

First off (and slightly off topic): somebody needs to tell Juliana Margulies to stop losing weight, her face looks worryingly emaciated/harsh in close-ups. This is not a good look.


Oh god yes. Grimm has great potential which it consistently fails to realise - it's as if the showrunners are on a mission to rid the show of any and all exciting, complex stories and characters. It's lazy, bland and predictable. Which is odd considering that David Greenwalt is one of the showrunners and he worked on

Anyone? Please? Help?

Why oh why did you have to say that? Now I can't unsee it…

Ehhh, you actually paid enough attention to the story to ask questions… actual, honest to god questions. I salute you sir. May the force be with you.

Agreed. Also: ye gods, we are setting the bar quite low. But we'll take what we can get.

Agree about Madame Secretary. They missed a chance to add some depth to a (so far) fluffy series. He should have stuck with his refusal and the series could have then examined the impact on his marriage and her career but they chickened out and all was well in the end. Boo.

He'd make a fantastic state's attorney. Can you imagine - this is the man who lowered his trousers and invited the Democratic Party representative to kiss his ass (either season 1 or season 2). Eli Gold for state's attorney. It would be glorious.

The application possibilities are infinite.

Woohoo. Thank you.

Wow, DG is really tone deaf when it comes to these things. In both her fiction and in real life apparently.

Hmmm: NO. The Kings will toy with us, tantalise us with the prospect of the relationship and then tear it away from us. Sob. The bastards.