the Recovering Cynic

Could be worse. I live in California, and this state still doesn't have a single Dunkin' Donuts. No wonder our economy is in the toilet.

What the HELL is wrong with you, John?!?

Actually, for those who don't remember … you're better off. Trust us.

Up where, exactly?

I'm sorry, kjohnson, but I can't come up with one. We'll miss you.

But Fruity Blue Lanterns is my favorite cereal!

No, it was the other one with the bouncing breasts.

So does that mean you are or aren't looking forward to "ALF: The Motion Picture"?

@Jimbolaya, Gentle: Clearly you haven't heard about the upcoming remake of The Battleship Potemkin starring Adam Sandler and Sacha Baron Cohen.

Very disappointed nobody has made a "Baywatch 2: [something-or-other] Boogaloo" joke. You're slipping, people!

Must be a heckuva soul, George.

Manny Ramirez.

Besides, their women are so ugly that even their own governor won't bang them.

I want a Nabin necktie for Christmas!

Uhhhhhh … no speck eengless …

I'm a Northern California native, and looking at the list of stops was the first time in my life, EVER, that I wished I was in Wisconsin. Then I lay down and the feeling went away.

If Michael Bay actually were to crush Megan Fox, who would clean up all that silicone?

One obscure one: Steven Delopoulos (fmr. of Burlap to Cashmere). About half the tunes on his terrific first solo effort, Me Died Blue, are the kind of detailed, rootsy story-songs that are right in Bruce's wheelhouse.

Wallflowers, maybe? I know Jakob is Bobby Dylan's kid, but their stuff reminds more more of Bruce than Zimmy. And of course, there was the time Bruce joined them to perform "One Headlight" and ran away with it.

I feel so sorry for your dog.