the Recovering Cynic

It's good to have a goal in life.

Now THAT's a book I'd buy, Raymond!

Always gives me a giggle that whenever "WatW" comes up, Aykroyd is always mentioned, as if he's freaking Smokey Robinson or something. It's the unintentional comedy gift that keeps on giving.

Michelle Williams decided he wasn't mature enough for her.

And thus eligible for cancEbolAIDS. And maybe a fire.

That, and "X-Files" appealed to nerds who had nothing else to do on Friday night. Now nerdiness is considered cooler, so most of those guys have dates, and there are more movies geared to them. So it's not an aberration so much as another example of how times have changed.

I find it simpler to just say "sodomite."

Should be at least as good as the time Wim Wenders headed the Cannes jury … and so thoroughly shafted Do the Right Thing that jury member Sally Field went to Spike Lee afterward to personally apologize for the result. Top that, Mr. Nightmare before Batman's Corpse!

It's not a question of how he grips the guitar, it's all a matter of weight ratios.

Jesus plays a Gibson Les Paul, or so I'm told.

This album cover art will test your head … and your mind … and your brain, too.

True: Jeff Beck is one of the greatest electric guitarists ever.

Waaaaaait … don't MOST women look better naked than clothed?

Nahhhhh, go back to the Douglas Adams.

TLAotA FTW. Douglas Adams references never go out of style.

Well, there's lawyers.

Why doesn't my local supermarket …
… have a clerk played by Natalie Portman? I've seen some Mo'Nique look-alikes, and an America Ferrara or two, but no Natalies.

Too true on all counts.

Co-owned (w/Fox).

Basically, the PAX network approach. It might not be a bad move; with Conan gone and football season ending, the only reasons I'll have to flick on NBC are 1) the Golden Globes on Sunday, and 2) my kids like the Qubo lineup on Saturdays. Not much to build a lineup on. So yeah, bring on the AbLounger!