
Vous êtes un croissantsexuel? Zut alors!

The above video makes it clear that there were 2 things going on the other day. The video was clearly shot before in Montréal (and in fact there was a tiny disclaimer on the screen saying "Portions Previously Recorded"), but the intro to it, which had the band marching out of 30 Rock was likely live - that doesn't

PLEASE kill Anne Hathaway. I can't remember when an actresses' alleged "beauty" was more overrated (but kill her mostly for her "acting").

"P.S. Grammar police is here… I am not from English speaking country. Isn’t it obvious? "

Thank you. Now if only Bitenuker would read this and shut up, all would be well.

This comment is dumber than anything in this thread.

Jim Rockford.
And if for some reason he's unavailable, then Nichols…

As I said above, Anna Mae Bullock as Harvey Bullock…

"Hey, I'm still getting Earl Grey tea in my raktajino - can't you guys fix these things already?"

With Anna Mae Bullock as Harvey Bullock!

Does that have "Whip My Hair (Wild Wild Kanye West mix)" on it?

A bit of a correction: Electronic was JUST Marr and Sumner, although the Pet Shop Boys did guest on 3 tracks. I mention it only because you listed the Boys first…

Well, I'm not credited, but I am in a Mike Nichols film!
Mind you it was "Gilda Live" (with Gilda Radner and Don Novello) and I am seen in the audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music where it was filmed.

Regarding your " That literally *just* changed." thingy, maybe IMDB has taken to sorting things somewhat like Google does, by knowing your history.

The 90s "Supermarket Sweep" was a 'remake' as the original appeared on ABC from 1965-1967.
Took until 1995 to bring it back - doesn't that tell you something?

I started watching it with some hope and later got a bit bored with it. Where I am it was on at the same time as something else, so I just got in the habit of taping it, and watching it later in bunches.

Rather that than North West…

Well, different spelling, but the new show "Mom" will be killing Allison Janney's career

[lyrics to Oscillate Wildly]

Ah, I see that now. I was late to watching HE, so I didn't recognise her. That makes at least the first part of the joke funnier.
And yes, I  miss HE too…