
I wondered about that too, although I admit I dozed for a little bit and thought I missed something (VERY easy to do with this show).
And how did Blackout find out? Did they send him a text message?


Sufjan Stevens is insufferable and while his music doesn't suck as bad as the Cyruses, it still sucks a huge one from hell. This is the alleged indie pot calling the pop kettle black.

Well, I've seen they've already been pushing Xmas stuff in stores and it seems Halloween nonsense started back in the middle of September. They only seem to be missing out on Thanksgiving.

Thank you - I came to this late and have been scrolling down to see when somebody finally mentioned this. Don't bloody tell us about "8 image-altering John Lennon songs" and then only give 6. You can't blame 2 of Yoko's songs on him, and by the way they are both great, no matter that every fuckwad and his sister likes

Really, Disqus wouldn't let you say "fucker"? It's the websites that stop you, not Disqus…

It has already happened. I forget the circumstances, but a couple of years ago a minor official was removed from his job even though he made it clear about the etymology of the word…

Is there one with an evil Elvis Costello?


One time I was in a theatre and looked down during a bright scene to notice a trail of yellow liquid about to reach my feet. I picked them up immediately and avoided the liquid till the end of the film. Fortunately it turned out to be beer (and it must have been pretty weak cause I couldn't smell it from my seat).

Only one? Yeah!

But what about the wig?

Washed up? He was never anywhere good where he could be washed up from. And he certainly is no has-been, cause he's a never-was…

No, AMC…

Other than Stone, the other obvious answer is Roman Polanski. I never thought he was a good director even in his Polish days, and certainly never got any better in his post-rapist days. Good thing he's not allowed in the US.

Sorry, guy. We're going to have to disagree. Never seen either film - never have any intention of seeing them, or anything thing that (in my opinion) that talentless conspiracy-theorist hack ever makes in the future, either.

Is this possibly a reference to Catherine Lewis' terrible review of the new Neko Case album?

Thank you for that. I'm not a gamer (but I have friends who are), and I understand completely the hypocrisy angle. Goes back at least as far as rock 'n' roll causing teenage delinquency (in the 1950s). Will idiot parents never learn?

"fuckiin' lot lizard"

I wouldn't call them the best, but I think of fictional concerts as ones where non-music groups like Weezer and Phish play music.