
It ISN"T about werewolves. See me explanation above…


As I pointed out above (and maybe should've made more clear), "Dancing In The Moonlight" was a song about a real block party that partially took place in a street late at night (the moon was out), and was originally recorded by the band Boffalongo (a much better version, released in 1970).

The original version of this song (and a much better one) was done by the band Boffalongo and basically describes a real block party where people were really dancing in a street. The original is also quite danceable, unlike the later version by King Harvest (a band that featured former members of Boffalongo).

Addendum to my post above…


"the 12-member jury came back with a not-guilty VERDICT within 11 hours… 12 people looking at the evidence were unanimously not convinced. That says more to me than Nancy Grace harpeeing her head off for 3 years."

I think you need to go the fuck to sleep. Seriously.

I have been forced (slightly) to follow this story because a local Burger King where I go has TVs which are tuned to HLN. I'm sure if it wasn't for that I'd be relatively ignorant of what's been going on. Several years back, HLN stopped calling themselves Headline News, and boy was that ever the truth! It seems that 9

And when the AVers do make it to the Pittsburgh area to see the Monroeville Mall, they really should have their blood pressure checked…

What is oft forgotten (or not known to some) is that MMM does not end. That is to say, on side 4 of the original LP set(s), the time is noted as infinity (with the symbol), and really is, because it has a locked groove at the end, where it just keeps repeating until you remove the needle.

Bucket of goo
Interesting to hear that the original Blob is 'alive' and well and in it's own bucket. At least The Blob was able to act outside of a bucket, unlike the Philadelphia area's other bundle of goo, Stallone, who isn't able to.

Both covers were done by (Abdul) Mati Klarwein, who also did Miles' Live Evil and many other covers. A good list in on a Wikipedia page under Mati Klarwein.

Stuff and Junk…

Malcolm X2: Malcolm X-Men United

re "uncharacteristically gentle"

I think Maneki Nekk has hit the nail on the proverbial head. Like much else in America, the Oscars are all about the money (can you say "show me the money", boys and girls - I know you can). There have been some utterly crap movies that have won awards because many Americans like their movies like pablum for babies,

Hey Cookie_Monster, I think the LA band X could've sued too, but all of a sudden their black fan base grew exponentially. Brothers and sisters be sitting on their stoops having more fun in the new world…

Actually its "amateurish design" it what makes the cover work. As Feourchan implied, go back to fourth grade…

Disagree about the Edgar Broughton Band cover - if you've ever heard them you'd think it's perfect