
You've obviously forgotten the title of the article…"Great album, terrible art"…

Not only is the area bricked up, there is an American flag on a flagpole in the middle, and more importantly, the whole wedge is surrounded by barbed wire. A not too subtle comment on what the record company thought should be off-limits

What's rally confusing here is the author of the blurb on "Ritual De Lo Habitual", Joel Keller, doesn't say which cover he thinks has 'terrible art'. I think that the original cover is a great one, and I think the 'replacement' is also, especially for the first amendment notice and the free speech screed. I am lucky

someone should delete this entire thread as is has nothing to do with the subject
please get your boring sports nonsense away from the world of music

To use "In the Court of the Crimson King" as the first example of 'terrible art' shows apparently the opinion of one solitary person, since others here have also defended the cover art. As someone said already, the cover represents the music, with the 'Schizoid Man' on the front (and by the way, it's not just his

@Doctor Handsome



Agreed on that great finale, and agreed that 'Nichols' MUST BE RELEASED ON DVD!!

Well, I watched it too and liked it a lot. And one thing not mentioned in the article was the great use of John Goodman as the guy whose memories are implanted in Eric Close's body, which essentially meant he couldn't really be used again - (but he was!) in a episode where Close is thinking about himself in Goodman's

For me, the most amazing thing about "Midnight in Paris" (I haven't seen the film yet), is that they are actually running commercials that call it…

@cornelius tree
"I really think we need a gender-neutral pronoun the way people use "they" and "them." "

Louis AND Steven?! Together?! Yow!!!

@Donkey Lips

Funny you mention "Cave of Forgotten Dreams", as I've always thought that Werner Herzog is the lost German Python…

@Disgruntled Nerd

I noticed that too, and decided to get it as I was also getting season1 of "Louie" anyway.

And part of that issue is that FX seems to make some of their shows 31 or 32 minutes (of course just stuffing in more commercials). I noticed that "Louie" started at about 10:31.30 and it was 11:00 when it went to commercial as sarCCastro mentioned above. After the commercial, the end credits segment ended at about

"Domestic" Violence
This one is slightly off-topic, as it refers to a different kind of 'domestic', in this case a maid, in Bob Dylan's "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll"…

The picture is of The Crystals from 1964, from L to R:
Barbara Alston / Dolores "Dee Dee" Kennebrew /
Frances Collins / Dolores "La La" Brooks