
While I do not in any way mean to belittle domestic violence, having to listen to Nickelback is doing violence to your ears, mind and soul…

I'm not a sports fan, but I am a BIG Norm fan. I didn't know at least half of the alleged sports 'stars' that were mentioned but it still was funny because it was Norm. I'd watch a show of him sitting and watching paint dry, because he'd make so many jokes about it - and they would be GREAT JOKES. I think the problem


Okay, so rather than dis the album before I heard it, I checked out 4 songs on the Bon Iver website. Well, I think boring has won the day. Of the 4, only 1 was what I could call pretty good, 1 was alright, and the other 2 just damn dull and snooze-inducing. I was actually thinking of buying it, but I just

And if you are referring to the Lady Gaga parody, I would call them 'pasties'…

@Loose Stool
"Stick a fork in him, he's…"

@Garbo Talks
"And millions of people crying?
Millions of people probably saying "Who? Oh that guy, never heard of him." "

That's why I have often said (to people who don't get the joke) that Albert Brooks is the Einstein of comedy [or at least one of two, counting Bob]…

@Sam Adams
"At least they're better than Toad the Wet Sprocket."

…or any other great Boosh songs…

@About Time


I'm a bit surprised that it was played on Dr. Demento, as it's not really a 'novelty' song per se. Perhaps '30TPOB' can be considered novelty, just because it's rare that a true factual song gets to be popular, another example being Gordon Lightfoot's 'Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald'.

Sue you don't mean 'japesmiths'…


I'm not really surprised as I've never thought Tracy Morgan to be funny at all. And his whole shtick seems to be just leftover 'but black people do it this way' comments that Dick Gregory, Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, et al, wouldn't spout on their worst days.

Absolutely - and needless to say, the Macnee and Rigg versions.

WillHarrisInVA and Psychic Anal Beads forgot to mention that Duo Damsel was originally Triplicate Girl, who indeed could split into 3 bodies. She became DD after one of her bodies was killed. I seem to remember a story where she was really upset because every else on her home planet could still split into 3, but she

A good idea, and speaking of L&O, there's Leslie Hendrix (as medical examiner Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers) who has played in all the series (except LA) - I would say she really has it all tied up, or perhaps, all sewn up, as her character often does have bodies literally sewn up. There's Dann Florek (as Don Cragen) who was

You are absolutely correct. And the Burns and Allen show was also a 'firstie' for being the first TV show that broke the 4th wall. George would not only appear in the action, but also comment on it to the viewers - often going to his study to watch the other characters on a TV set!