
In Central New York state, it's got to be the "Alexander and Catalano" (lawyers who call themselves 'The Heavy Hitters') commercial theme song all the way…

@Stupid Fast

Some of you who check out your 'Local on the 8's' on The Weather Channel will know that they also have used "Gut Feeling" underneath while you watch your local weather maps and data roll by. It's perfect because the segments are around 2 minutes, which is just about how long the intro in the song takes. First time I

All I can do is laugh out loud at all you losers and your precious DVRs. I still have my trusty old VCR and I can set it so it records entire shows! Without anything missing. You see, you put in the channel number, and the day and start and end time and you''re all set. I know that might too much work for some of you.

For help with the headphones, get a hold of Reggie Watts.
For help with the pimple, get a hold of Russell Brand - he must have many on his wrist from all the time he strokes his ego…


So is this thing called a "push present" because the woman is pushin' those babies out?

@Dr.Robuttnik & Laika Rollenstone…

@Jorge Von Salsa (31 March 2011 | 12:22 PM CDT)

I forget the inspiration, but when I was a kid (from around 12), I used to refer to NBC as Nude Body Cleaners.

Did that take Sliders/Checkers crossover take place in the White Castle? And was one of the characters names Krystal?

On the other side of this coin…
I had said the phrase for years, well before the disgusting term 'ho' became popular. Then one day I said to a black female co-worker "Hey Ho Let's Go!" and she looked at me and said "WHAT?". Fortunately we've always gotten along and she knew I never talk 'dirty'. One I explained it to

@Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

Diet Sodas
Hey Josh,